"What exactly is his world view? from Cofty I see nothing but, anti-life, anti-love, anti-hope"

by cofty 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    All we have is each other. We cannot hope to show love in an afterlife, so we better make amends and show love now. Cherish your loved ones now. Enjoy your coffee, your book. Pet an animal, smell a flower.

    Understand why our modern medicine and emergency services fight so hard to keep a person alive- because life is precious.

    I have said on threads in the past that I will sit out from their causes after being fully involved in the wrong cause with the JW cult, but that I fully appreciate those others that save the whales, feed the hungry, shoe the children, or end some kind of corruption.

  • suavojr

    Why do we fight to stay alive? Because is the only one we have... So why waste it hoping for an eternal life that we cannot prove? Why not take the time to love, now? Why not work to help the needy, now? Why not use your talents for good, now? You get the point

  • Comatose

    My wife is going through a difficult time right now. Feeling like half her life is over and all her hope for the future is gone. I think we all go through that, but it doesn't make it any easier. I shared this thread with her. To remind her of the life we do have and how amazing it is. I just thought a bump would be appropriate since we were just reading it.

  • caliber

    Villagegirl has been driven from the board

    How do I deactivate my account and

    erase all Mail and messages get out of here ?

    I see no option to Deactivate or to trash messages

    or to erase my posts. Or any contact to facilitate this.


    I believe her statement below says it all ....

    You provide no rest or spiritual refuge and so you defeat

    your own purpose, which is to provide a way out to sincere

    hearts, seeking a way to worship without the WT, and feel safe

    you all make it unsafe for them by mockery and your own

    brand of shunning

  • caliber

    provide a way out to sincere

    hearts, seeking a way to worship without the WT

    What joy or satisfaction is derived by swiftly as possible ...crushing & belittling a persons hope and faith ...

    to leave them in a spiritual vaccuum ?

    How can you abruptly attempt to kill persons desire & inborn need to worship ....leaving them in a state of great emptiness ?

    How can buntly shattering another persons hopes and dreams be seen as positive ?

    Even if you are dead right how can a harsh approach to one's having faith in God be satisfying or benefical ?

    How do you explain what appears to be inborn desire to worship ?

    Evelyn Underhill defines worship thus: "The absolute acknowledgment of all that lies beyond us—the glory that fills heaven and earth. It is the response that conscious beings make to their Creator, to the Eternal Reality from which they came forth; to God, however they may think of Him or recognize of Him

  • cofty

    Villagegirl has been driven from the board

    Utter bollocks.

    VG was a drama queen who enjoyed sending me abusive personal messages to whhich I responded without personal attacks.

    I never attack people, only ideas, and I do it will evidence and reason. I wish I had met me 20 years ago.

    When people are just leaving the cult my regualr advice to them is ot leave all the big questions aside for a long time and concentrate on a new life.

    When people use the board to try to entrap vulnerable people with their own brand of superstition I provide a balance.

    I said all I need to say about this topic in my OP in this thread.

  • jhine

    A Bible Student


  • Phizzy

    Caliber said "..............to leave them in a spiritual vaccuum ?"

    When I left the WT that was exactly my position. And, what a wonderful position to be in !

    I could start my spiritual growth from the same position I had when born, a spiritual vacuum.

    As Julia Orwell said on another thread, we had been "Born Again", as humans.

    I could start my "journey" with the advantage of knowing that there are many false teachers, false claims, and many traps for the unwary. To be directed straight away to another belief system without thought or examination would be to make the same error that kept me trapped in the WT/JW scam.

    To have clear thinking people, people like Cofty, express their views was nothing but helpful. I was free to make up my own mind, but if you do not have all the facts, if you do not thoroughly examine all the views, someone else is making up your mind for you, controlling your mind.

    Surely, anyone who has spent time trapped in the WT or a similar org. has had enough of that.

    If you leave and haven't achieved the Spiritual Vacuum then you really should work toward it, free yourself of all preconceived notions, and especially WT and Bible Dogma, then once in the Vacuum, you are free to fill it with what is right and true.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I for one think Cofty is frickin awesome.

  • fulltimestudent

    I felt a bit sorry for this person, I've met many JWs like her, always pouring out torrents of words that were mostly half-truths about the world around us, and even distortions of WT/Bible theology.

    I imagined VG as having been a witness like that! Sad, isn't it, that a person can leave an organisation like the witnesses, and yet the organisation continues in their personality. True captives of a concept, except the concept is their own version of reality (stated with full knowledge that, 'reality' is a personal thing>grin).

    In connection with the statement attributed to her, concerning the function of this board, that:

    You provide no rest or spiritual refuge and so you defeat your own purpose, which is to provide a way out to sincere, hearts, seeking a way to worship without the WT, and feel safe. you all make it unsafe for them by mockery and your own brand of shunning.

    I imagined that this board was started (in the beginning) to allow a space for commentary on witness life and theology, since no space to do that is permitted to exist within the witness organisation. As more and more participants moved to a position of disillusionment with the witnesses, it became a place of protest. I have never thought of it as being a place of 'spiritual refuge,' and we may ask the question: can it ever be a place of spiritual refuge, as a replacement for the witness brand of Christianity?

    Noting the diverse thinking expressed on this board, I suggest it can't be. For this site to become a "spiritual refuge" of the type described, it has to become another sort of religion, propmoting and disciplining within certain guidelines. If that happens I'm out.

    BTW, Christianity has never exactly been a place of calm, reasoned, doctrinal purity. The fierce arguments and even persecution of those who held a contrary idea is evidence of a spiritual situation the opposite of calmness and peace.

    Those who imagine Christian belief as a place of peace, exist within an illusion, just as imaginery as the witness belief that Christ will have been ruling (in their definition of ruling) for 100 years in October 2014. (Are they intending to hold a big celebration, maybe a series of Round the World Assemblies with the theme, "One Hundred years of Kingdom Rule?" hahahaha)

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