I was in field service with a CO who had served as a DO for a number of years. He refused to go to a house with a barking dog. He said , " Let them die at Armageddon with their dogs. " I was stunned. I said to him, " Do you realize that most people have dogs because they are afraid. Aren't these the ones we want to reach with the Kingdom hope? He just gave me a funny look and kept on walking."
Anyone know of any witnesses that concealed carry to meetings?
by LogCon 30 Replies latest jw friends
Faithful Witness
Sorry, not Utied States. I meant to say Untied States.
LOL. Good assessment from our neighbor to the north.
I was just making sure you weren't planning anything yourself, and checking to see if the elders were going to be armed. Concealed weapon permits are available here. Your questions makes me wonder again about the upcoming instructions that "do not make sense from a human standpoint..."
We do not have guns at our house (that I will tell you about!!)
I had recently moved from Southern California to the Sacramento area, and I didn't know they had changed the TMS meeting to a different night. The CO was meeting with the elders in that area that night instead. The fact that all the vehicles in the parking lot were trucks should have been a clue, but I didn't realize my mistake until I walked in and noticed it was all brothers. Then I noticed most of them were wearing cowboy boots with their suits. Not only was it embarrassing that I had missed several meetings, and didn't know the TMS was rescheduled, it just seemed weird to me, they were so unlike the brothers from So CA with their trucks and boots. I had never before walked in on a special elders meetibg, it kind of creeped me out. I would not have been surprised to know some of them were packing, I knew for a fact some of them hunted.
For the record, I have nothing against cowboy boots, I just think they look weird with a suit.
We live in the country/rurals where you get to ride around in a car while in Field Service.
I don't know about packing IN the Hall, but I'm sure there are lots of firearms out in the cars & pickups in the parking lot at any meeting. Hit a deer on the way home after the meeting? You need a gun to shoot it so you can take it home. The only way many hunters finally get their deer is with a Ford pickup.
It's illegal to carry a knife or a gun in the UK. You can get up to 5 years in jail if you do and you're caught with one.
im stuck in
I do always have my my trusty pistol in my pocket. Others do also but will never tell you. LOL
Just curious, in what way is it trusty?
*** g 6/08 p. 11 When Is Self-Defense Justified? ***
The Bible thus indicates that a person may defend himself or his family if physically assaulted. He may ward off blows, restrain the attacker, or even strike a blow to stun or incapacitate him. The intention would be to neutralize the aggression or stop the attack.This being the case, if the aggressor was seriously harmed or killed in such a situation, his death would be accidental and not deliberate.
I have CWP, and at one time in the past for well over one year I carried at all times. There had been credible threats against me made. I will NOT be a helpless victim! I carried at the meetings, at work, and even had it close at hand when showering. I don't think throwing a Bible at the threat would neutralize it very effectively. And I don't think explaining that my religion says I can't meet force with equal force would have done a helluva lot either. Just saying that by using my God given thinking abilities I knew I was responsible for my own welfare, no one else.
im stuck in
iCeltic It is trusty since it is a revolver and almost never misfires.
Marvin Shilmer
“Does anyone know of any witnesses, in good standing, brother or sisters, that used to conceal carry to meetings or field service?”
In some parts of the world local elders recommend carrying a loaded gun in field service, presumably because of wildlife. In parts of Alaska this is common.
Historically, there was a time when JWs were encouraged to arm themselves when in field service and at the Kingdom Hall.
See: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Firearms – Overlooked History available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2011/02/jehovahs-witnesses-and-firearms.html
Marvin Shilmer