Why did the Watchtower downplay homosexual sex acts preventing a innocent spouse from remarrying? There are groups through various countries who don't believe homosexual sex is "Fornication" and men are allowed to keep their wives and men can go on "the down low" possibly infecting women with H.I.V., why did it take decades for the Watchtower to say Homosexual Acts are grounds for a Divorce? The Watchtower's teachings are the most unstable of all the fringe religious groups in America, they can't get things right that Christendom knew about for thousands of years (almost two thousands to the critics), so why follow a group who can't read the Bible?
Why was Homosexual Sex not grounds for Divorce? WTS Views Against Christendom's New Light?
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just look at the Wt. leaders who gave advise- CT Russell, Judge Rutherford, N Knorr, Freddie Franz, talk about coocoo for cocopuffs.
Back then the WT had a different view of what adultery was. They assumed that it was sex between the two genders, and homosexuality didn't count.
Nowadays, the WT society has broadened their view on what adultery is
I may be wrong, but seems like somewhere I read about a WT case where a woman wanted a divorce from her husband, because she caught him having anal sex with another woman, and the GB idiots said she didn't have proper biblical grounds for divorce.
They want to make it as difficult as possible to exit a bad marriage. And worst, they themselves are why so many marriages go bad. No fornication before, strict rules on courtship, and marrying someone that is strong in the cancer all assure many a bad marriage. You get incompatibilities in every aspect--racial, cultural, and spiritual makeups that are not compatible. Usually, you get a tyrant husband crushing and abusing a woman that can't tolerate such. Then, throw in the rules regulating sex within the marriage, along with excessive field circus requirements and the poverty mindset (which the October 6, 2013 washtowel study session reinforced), and you have the recipe for dull marriages.
And once it goes bad, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger wants couples trapped in them. This prevents remarriage when someone compatible does come along, and ensures that it will continue dull. Thus, since gay sex (and sometimes bestiality) can happen on the spur of the moment, usually by the disgruntled spouse trying to get out of a bad marriage, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger simply wants that loophole closed. Of course, these days the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has to acknowledge that homosexual relationships of more than just trying to break up a bad marriage are more common these days, and they are now forced to allow that to bust up marriages.
Better, simply deregulate sex altogether. If fornication was allowed, you would see fewer bad marriages because incompatible couples would break up before reaching that stage. Allow use of standards not related to theocraptic goals, you see fewer tyrants in marriages. Allow less field circus along with more wealth, you see fewer once-good marriages going bad. Of course, you also see fewer people reaching old age destitute and stagnant, and more room for spiritual development of the sort that makes it more difficult for joke-hova to enslave people. That's why you are never going to see those changes.
Following on from Quarterback's accurate explanation, for the same reason the WT also taught that you could not get a divorce if your partner was caught committng bestiality.
If you divorced your partner then remarried, you were disfellowshipped for adultery.
Conversely, you could be disfellowshipped for practising 'perverse acts' with your marriage partner, but this has since been rescinded.
I wonder how many divorced their partners for such 'peverse acts', only to later find out that their divorce and remarry was no longer seen as legitimate and clean, leaving them in an adulterous marriage.
As the WT kindly said in w83 3/15 p. 31 Honor Godly Marriage! "Those who acted on the basis of the knowledge they had at the time are not to be criticized. Nor would this affect the standing of a person who in the past believed that a mate’s perverted sexual conduct within marriage amounted to porneia and, hence, obtained a divorce and is now remarried."
How nice.
Of course under the Mosaic Law if someone had been caught in homosexual acts or bestiality acts they would have been executed...no divorce needed.
(Exodus 22:19)
19 “Anyone lying down with a beast is positively to be put to death.
(Leviticus 18:22-29)
22 “‘And you must not lie down with a male the same as you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable thing. 23 “‘And you must not give your emission to any beast to become unclean by it, and a woman should not stand before a beast to have connection with it. It is a violation of what is natural. 24 “‘Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these things, because by all these things the nations whom I am sending out from before YOU have made themselves unclean. 25 Consequently the land is unclean, and I shall bring punishment for its error upon it, and the land will vomit its inhabitants out. 26 And YOU yourselves must keep my statutes and my judicial decisions, and YOU must not do any of all these detestable things, whether a native or an alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst. 27 For all these detestable things the men of the land who were before YOU have done, so that the land is unclean. 28 Then the land will not vomit YOU out for YOUR defiling it the same way as it will certainly vomit the nations out who were before YOU. 29 In case anyone does any of all these detestable things, then the souls doing them must be cut off from among their people.
SPLASH: Conversely, you could be disfellowshipped for practising 'perverse acts' with your marriage partner, but this has since been rescinded.
In the 03/15/83 WT which you quoted, they have rescinded that "perverse acts" within marriage are grounds for scriptural divorce.
But where have they rescinded that such acts could be grounds for disfellowshipping?
My understanding is that persons who practice, promote, or condone "perverse acts" even between marriage mates (who are unrepentant) could be disfellowshipped. Yes, it seems there is a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy in place about oral/anal sex within marriage, but I don't know where you get off saying it's been "RESCINDED".
I was thinking of these two, both from 1983...
w83 3/15 p. 31 Honor Godly Marriage! - "What, though, if one mate wants or even demands to share with his or her partner in what is clearly a perverted sex practice? The above-presented facts show that porneia involves unlawful sexual conduct outside the marital arrangement. Thus, a mate’s enforcing perverted acts, such as oral or anal sex, within the marriage would not constitute a Scriptural basis for a divorce that would free either for remarriage"
No-one else's business! - w83 3/15 p. 31 Honor Godly Marriage! - "As already stated, it is not for elders to "police" the private marital matters of couples in the congregation."
I see where you're coming from because it doesn't explicitly mention df'ing. However, since it's not pornea any longer, you cannot be df'd for that.
I guess you're right that if an elder body so decided, they could maybe give you a hard time using brazen conduct now, or some such despite being told not to police anyone's sex life aymore.
Thanks for clarifying.
SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker - "Why did the Watchtower downplay homosexual sex acts preventing a innocent spouse from remarrying?"
I could be wrong but, considering how many closeted gay GB members there have allegedly been, it may have been spun that way as a loophole for these guys to avoid the public embarassment of divorce if their wives caught 'em with another man.
'Course, all that changed when rabid homophobe Knorr took over as president.
Hmmm. It just occurred to me, most rabid homophobes are deep in the closet, themselves...