Blood Transfusion – Brain Check

by Marvin Shilmer 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I was done there….”

    Too bad. Had you read on you’d realize my opening statement was no more than to emphasize a personal neglect.

    To each his own.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • steve2

    Excellent thread Marvin. Even those of us who have been raised in the organization and have prided ourselves on having extensively read the Watchtower library going back several decades can still be shocked by hearing about and reading statements/articles from earlier years that belatedly expose the pathetic ignorance of those few men who developed the blood-transfusion ban.

  • rebel8

    LOL the last link is priceless. An ecoplasm got weighed on a scale. Wow.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Thanks Marvin!!

    Thanks Adam!!

  • Balaamsass

    Great thread

  • SAHS

    “Marvin Shilmer”:

    “Short instructional interactive:

    JW to you: . . .

    You: . . .”

    This gives me an idea. There should be a new kind of “reasoning book” similar to the book published by Jehovah’s Witness called Reasoning On the Scriptures but call it something like “The REAL Reasoning Book On Faith, Logic, and Scripture,” and have it tailor-made to answer Jehovah’s Witnesses. It could include sample arguments in the format similar to the above, which is also similar to the sample scripts in the JW’s reasoning book containing various arguments to “objections” and “conversation stoppers.” There are probably similar little blurbs like that online, but it would be great if someone actually published a hard-cover book like that. Image if we all had a copy of such a book – it would certainly make those annoying run-ins with and calls by JWs a lot more fun.

  • SAHS

    “When a ten-pound table is lifted by a medium, the weight of the medium is increased by approximately the weight of the table.”

    Geeeeze, I wonder how that table really got lifted up? Hmmmmmmm. (I guess that brain didn’t come with any kind of creative, logical inference skills. That’s the kind of brain some little birds possess who have been observed violently and frustratingly pecking at their own reflection in a mirror.)

  • Oubliette

    More good stuff from Marvin!

    Thanks for sharing.

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