Will Generational Teaching Affect Recruitment?

by bemused 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bemused

    Hello. This is my first post, so let me introduce myself briefly. I am not, nor ever have been, a JW but I have a close family member who has been a Witness for many years. I have been curious about my relative’s beliefs for some time but have only recently looked in any detail at what Witnesses actually believe, which led me to this site.

    I have seen references to changes to ‘generational teaching’ but have not really understood what it was all about until I read the article ‘”Let Your Kingdom Come” – But When?’ in the latest Watchtower (Study Edition – January 2014). What I’ve read has left me bemused as to why my relative, who has always struck me as a thoughtful person, would be taken in by this ridiculous and desperate change in doctrine.

    OK, you’ll probably say the answer lies with brainwashing, cult tactics and fear of dis-fellowshipping and maybe that’s so for current JWs. However what I really wanted views on was the effect on recruitment. In the past, the Watchtower could point to earlier prophecies re 1914, which perhaps weren’t fulfilled but nevertheless it was a significant year historically, and then combine that partial success with the ‘this generation’ quote from Matthew’s gospel to engender a sense of urgency and fear of imminent Armageddon. But what will be preached now? Surely they can’t stand on a doorstep, open the Bible at Matthew 24, point to ‘this generation’ and say that by this Jesus meant two groups of spirit-anointed sons of God, the first of which were anointed by the Holy Spirit prior to 1914 and a second group who were anointed subsequently but while at least some of the first group were still alive and that second group is getting on a bit in age now hence there’s not much time left, so you’d better get down to your local Kingdom Hall pronto? If they do, I can’t see that there’ll be a queue at the KH.

    Apologies if this topic has already been discussed (I don’t look at that site all that often), but it seems to me that this convoluted nonsense will inevitably make gaining new recruits more difficult. What do you think?

  • sir82

    There is nothing about the "generation" in the "Bible Teach" book.

    The point will be briefly covered in March when that edition of the Watchtower is used for the meeting. It will go right over the heads of any newbies, and "veteran" JWs will just shrug their shoulders and return to thinking about where they will eat lunch after the meeting.

    It's not a central point of doctrine, so despite its utter illogic and mock-worthiness, it won't have much of an effect on anything.


    Welcome bemused,

    Don't apologise, topics often get repeated - many from slightly different angles and different posters contribute.

    The new generation teaching I doubt will be used on the door to door ministry - it cannot be proven or logically derived at from scripture so simply won't get used. It's now a teaching for those who have been in the faith for some time.

    I used the old generation teaching in the 90's quite often on the ministry - not that I managed to convert anyone. It was simple - anyone could grasp it and it made sense (based on the big assumption of 1914).

    I suspect new recruits are mostly the kids of JW's (although the majority of those seem to leave in teenage years) or foreign language territories where a high proportion believe in God and the personal contact for JW's seems appealing.

    The new generation teaching is one example of many crazy beliefs or traditions. Like JW's don't celebrate or attend birthdays because the two times they are mentioned in the bible something bad happened. Well the dozens of times dogs are mentioned in the bible they are always in the most negative way, yet JW's don't have an issue with owning them as pets - somewhat inconsistent.


  • Vidiot

    bemused - "Surely they can’t stand on a doorstep, open the Bible at Matthew 24, point to ‘this generation’ and say that by this Jesus meant two groups of spirit-anointed sons of God...?"

    They wouldn't.

    No JW would ever go into the convoluted, patchworked, and just plain weird aspects of WT theology with a newbie/householder; they keep it simple at the door.

    Hell, you broke it down better then most of them could, anyway.


    Recruitment has all but stopped in many so-called "industrialized" countries. In the U.S. most of the growth is from children of JWs getting baptized and foreign language groups. In other parts of the world its slowing but still prospering somewhat. These countries are full of JWs who are relatively new, no recollection of 1975, the 1995 generation change, etc. so recruitment may still be viable for a time.

    They need to become more mainstream to keep filling the kingdumb halls. I have a feeling that my childrens generation and definitely my grandchildren will be less inclined to become or remain JWs. For example if my kids left I would not ignore them or shun them. I doubt they'd do it to their children should they remain JWs.... the GB's psychological hold on its adherents is lessening with each successive generation. They are slowly becoming less and less credible even to people still claiming to be JWs.


    I think that new recruits will continue to join. I say this because the WTBTS is all the rage in foreign fields. As long as the WTBTS refuse to provide accurate information for decision making, then why would the numbers decrease? A huge scandal might do something, but it would have to be enormous.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Hell, you broke it down better then most of them could, anyway.

    Great observation, as most JWs simply DO NOT know the specifics of their "deeper" doctrines.

    BTW -- Welcome to our little group of rebels & outcasts & a few never-in folks like you.


    JWs witnessing would likely at some point get into Matt 24/Luke 21 and point to the "signs" we see today compared to those scriptures, but would NOT likely be emphatic about the 1914 chronology and "this generation" reference. They'd just point to the "terrible things we see today". Later on, yeah, it all started in 1914 with WWI, Spanish Flu, etc.

    The new witness technique is not based on Bible Doctrine. It is based on improved quality of family life from following the Bible's moral standards, the opportunity of never dying and living forever in Paradise on Earth, ressurrection of your dead loved ones, and the instant friendship and love-bombing received once attending meetings.

    The primary basis of maintaining the flock (esp thoughtful people like your friend) is the veiled threat of total shunning by everyone you know and love if you get out of line, or even ask the wrong questions.


  • clarity

    bemused ... brilliant post


    Welcome to JWN, you have your 'thinking cap' on, which, as

    Vidiot said, is better than any jw would have!


    What really alarms me about this, is that the younger generation

    have no idea about 1914, 1925, 1975, Beth Sarim etc, and now,

    how the generation teaching was changed in 2010...evidentlyJesus

    really meant 2 (TWO) generations , ..and NOW........


    this false 'overlapping 2 generations', with no scriptural backing,

    is being spewed out as ........... in fact INTHE BIBLE!!!!!


    The kids & new converts have no idea about this.

    They will study that crap early next year & think it is true!


    This really makes me livid!


    Hope you keep posting here bemused,


  • NVR2L8

    The generation teaching is part of the deeper knowledge of god and is only understood by spiritually mature JWs...once baptized one continues to learn and acquire a better understanding of God's purpose...so don't worry about things you don't understand...just dedicate your life to God and he will provide you understanding in the appropriate time.

  • Vidiot

    DataDog - "I think that new recruits will continue to join. I say this because the WTBTS is all the rage in foreign fields."

    Ah, but therein lies the problem...

    The "foreign fields" are predominantly in the Third World, which is dirt-poor, and therefore almost completely supported by donations from JWs in more affluent Western countries; the same affluent Western countries that are currently experiencing a distinct leveling off in membership and enthusiasm.

    The WTS functions on the template of a 20th Century capitalist business model in at least one crucial aspect; it requires constantly increasing income to survive (regardless of the value of its assets). However, a plateauing in membership in the West would inevitably result in a steady reduction in revenue flow to the Third World, which would inevitably result in a comparative reduction in membership and activity in those foreign fields.

    It's becoming an unsustainable system (if it hasn't already).

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