I was recently baptised as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Aka the Mormons I can tell you it's a very good religion plus the women have their own organizion called relief society.
the sisters pray in sacrament meeting the most important of all the meetings held at a lds meetinghouse as well as this they also gave talks directly to the congregation both male and female members. As a part of relief society The sisters are given a number of their sisters within the ward (congregation) and teach them and help them both spiritually and physically.
As as well as this they also have a calling (task or assignment) within the ward for example some are called to be president of relief society which is an all woman organization or other callings such as organist, Liberian, involvement with the youth programmes and many other tasks too numerous to mention.
So in conclusion, the woman of this church are very involved within all aspects while I appreciate that your husband many never join there is plenty for you to do in the work of The Lord.