For me it is the smugness.
It's their inability and refusal to admit they are wrong....EVER...even in the face of irrefutable evidence. Isn't PRIDE a sin? "Pride comes before a fall" i've heard someplace before. the meetings.
I would have much more respect and admiration if they would just be HUMBLE enough to say "Hey. We don't have all the answers but we're trying our best. We've been wrong about alot of things in the past and being imperfect we'll continue to make mistakes, but we would appreciate your continued support as we battle through all this together. We will keep praying for guidance that we do the right things in regard to our guiding the flock in the path of righteousness". Or something like that.
Humility? Yeah right. This is the most "un-humble" organization I have ever seen. The audacity to call themselves "The Truth"? TRUTH doesn't change. It is what it is. They have warped the word "truth" to mean somthing other than what its definition was designed to convey. Truth is truth.
It's those snarky little chuckles when someone at the meeting makes a comment about the world or other religions' wrong doing as if they are sooooo much above any of that.
The smugness of the prayers. The unwillingness to actually pray to God but to use the prayer as their platform to continue the theme of the meeting and extol their own personal beliefs.
"We thank you Jehovah for all the good things you do, and we know that you want us out in field service more often and that you want us to attend all 5 meetings. We know how you feel when we don't heed the instructions of your faithful and discreet slave class so we ask your forgiveness when we don't obey with a happy heart and do all that your slave instructs us to do." Blahblahblahblahblah.
No. They are NEVER wrong. They simply have "increased understanding".
The only reason a HUGE percentage of people are still in is because of the control mechanisms they brilliantly put in place so that people would be afraid of losing family members, so they are forced to fake their lives because of the whims of 8 pompous jack asses sitting in a metting room in New York.
How can ANYONE honestly look at the whole of this organization and come to the conclusion that "Yeah..THIS is the one reilgion that God approves of".
Lying is...ok. No humility is ok. Changing things and saying it still is the truth is ok. Truth changes and that makes sense.
Thanks for putting up with my vent.