Born in, parents and the congregation told me one thing, but our lives and how we treated each other didn't match. I left at 19, ran off and got married to a worldly guy that I knew for 4 months. Got mixed up in drugs and everything I had always wanted to do, got burnt out pretty quick and was left confused, bitter and sad. Met another guy, and we married and had a kid. I went to a baptist church a few times and like a lightbulb I understood what Jesus death and resurrection really meant for me and it changed my life forever!! I am not disfellowshipped. I've been out for about 14 years. My mom and all family are still very much in it and sad for me. So cat 1 and maybe 3 or 4...I'm happy, though. I reached out to a #2, who was no longer active and did not get a response either...I think one day, she's hoping to go back, y'know, when she gets her life together.
Categories of Former Jehovah's Witnesses
by neverendingjourney 51 Replies latest jw friends
I would say my wife is G.3 , and myself G.3 with the exception I love this site .
Judy ... right now ... I am on a journey of sorts, and stretching
my legs!
You see, I stopped thinking for myself and let a handful of men
decide what was what!
So as I move along, I learn & understand. I need FACTS now.
As my critical thinking abilities improve ... my position changes ...but
here is a critical point ... I CAN change my mind, now, there are no penalties!
I am not condemed to death by god. I am not shunned just for thinking...
....................well, only by those poor souls...the jehovah witnesses!
oh yes, my group would be 4 more or less!
Judge Judy, you have a right to your own opinion of course, but why are you posting if you hate everyone here so much and see no value in the board? Could it be you are angry because you know deep down that we are right? Something to think about.
You seem mostly to be repeating Watchtower beliefs about ex Jehovah's Witnesses, which tells me you haven't really been on here enough to learn anything. If you want proof of the errors of the Watchtower, try
This is a board for those who are willing to open their eyes and see the truth about the truth, it sounds like you are not there yet. I can only speak for myself, but believe it or not, I don't spend all my time here. I do volunteer in my community, and I am not angry, or confused, my life is very happy now. I just still like to come here because my experience as a JW is a big part of my past, and my family still shunning me is still a problem, it helps to read of others going through the same.
I have learned a lot from the so called "angry athiests". Take off the blinders, you might lean something too.
Regarding the OP, I am somewhere between three and four
I was also in Group 4. I believed in the religion 100% and was totally lost once I realized TTATT. After a couple years of major depression, therapy, and visiting this forum, things are really looking up!
For all those who feel lost, or like life has no meaning, hang in there. Life really will get better, it just takes time.
Greetings !
Surely there exist that group of individuals who do obey Jesus Christ as Father wants (Matthew 17:5 )
Well this thread has taken a turn toward the weird.
I was a #2...yes I felt like shit too, because I believed. I was only a witness wannabe. I hated meetings and loved sex, drugs, and rocknroll. I started to get my life together and settle down some about 30 years of age. I got married for the second time and have had a wonderful life. I did try to go back at about 35 but could not give up smoking ( maybe it was an excuse ) The internet and Ray's books set me free . It's a bummer when your body is out, but your mind is in....I can see how someone could lose it if they were not a strong willed person like me.
Even in my wildest days I still had morals and ethics. I love people. Love to laugh and have fun. So even though I was going to die in the big A SOON, I was not a hoe
Sherry ( born in )
Interesting OP. Too bad this thread is getting derailed.
I was giving this a little more thought yesterday, thinking about all the JWs I know that left and what classification they might fall under, and I realized there is a small subset of former JWs not captured by any of the four categories.
I wonder if this was a local phenomenon or whether it's widespread, but there were a few folks who showed up, made a splash, got into pissing matches with elders, decided the JW religion was too small to contain their talents/wisdom, and either faded away or were shown the door.
Most of these folks came from charismatic churches and had a tract record of church-hopping. Other were just Class A a**holes and thought they were always right and should be able to run the show from the get go. Few people were sorry to see them go.
This is by the far smallest group I can think of.