We shall dress with modesty (1Tim2:9), why dress like rich lawyers or wealthy financiers?

by Mr Fool 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • processor

    No bank president I am aware of wears a $79.99 polyester special from Men's Wearhouse.

    But all the members of the German Party "The Party" are wearing "gray C&A suits, off the rack for €49" (see here).

    Still, yes, the JW dresscode is somewhat outdated. And at least in our congregation, no one cared whether clothes were appropriate or clean. It was just important that men had a tie and women had a skirt or dress. But it was ok when men had 40-year old, outwashed, too-big suits and white tennis socks; it was also ok when women had dirty t-shirts with cartoon print along with a skirt.

  • fiddler

    The dress code for men was I think set by Knorr........the business model. Problem is, it was the 1960's-70's business model. As has been noted, the leadership has not been paying attentiion AT ALL. After all the bad things they said about blue jeans and casual dress how could they fess up and change?!

    Yes, they are painfully outdated but I must say, two Mormon missionaries occupied my front door space yesterday and all I could think was how similar they looked to JW's........minus the name tags, of course.

    The times I've seen 'sisters' out in the door to door they all looked like old missionary women. It was gross to see actually........what had happened to these women to let themselves go so completely into Amishville. I obviously didn't see any of the younger ones LOL! It was mid-week so it goes without saying. Still, I remember younger JW women dressing to the nines for meetings, field service and especially assemblies. I NEVER see THEM out in field service but it's probably a scheduling thing. I'm working when they're out on Saturday mornings.

    I have to tell you, I'm very modestly dressed as a witch tonight. My skirt is ankle length and no decolatage! Just a modest witch.

    Happy Halloween!

  • Phizzy

    The crazy thing is they claim that they dress like a "Christian" should for Field Service. And yet, because the JW dress code is so unusual nowadays, they stand out from a good half mile away, no wonder they get so many "not homes", anybody can spot 'em.

    And yet what was the dress code of Jesus ? On one occasion he simply melted in to the crowd, and those seeking to seize him lost him.

    His garb was the same as the people he served, that is the Christian dress code.

  • carla

    I still don't get why they wear ties considering the history of ties and the military conotations. yeah, I know, they pick and choose......

    from Wiki for what it's worth:


    For the history of the tie, see also Cravat.
    Croatian soldier with a cravat

    There is a long history of neckwear worn by soldiers (Roman), whether as part of a uniform or as a symbol of belonging to a particular group. Some form of neckwear other than the outdoor scarf can be traced intermittently through many centuries.

    The modern necktie spread by Europe traces back to the time of the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) when Croatian mercenaries from the Croatian Military Frontier in French service, wearing their traditional small, knotted neckerchiefs, aroused the interest of the Parisians. Due to the slight difference between the Croatian word for Croats, Hrvati, and the French word, Croates, the garment gained the name "cravat" ("cravate" in French). [ 2 ] The boy-king Louis XIV began wearing a lace cravat about 1646, when he was seven, and set the fashion for French nobility. This new article of clothing started a fashion craze in Europe; both men and women wore pieces of fabric around their necks. From its introduction by the French king, men wore lace cravats, or jabots, that took a large amount of time and effort to arrange. These cravats were often tied in place by cravat strings, arranged neatly and tied in a bow.

    International Necktie Day is celebrated on October 18 in Croatia and in various cities around the world, e.g. in Dublin, Tübingen , Como, Tokyo, Sydney and other towns. [ 3 ] [ 4 ]

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    A modest true Christian with the most humble attitude shall make the impession of being rich and important? In my view, this is the signs of Vanity and Pride....

  • jgnat

    To be fair, I think the dress code is more to look more like Fuller Brush salesmen. It's a sales force!


  • Apognophos

    Some brothers get away with sweaters or sweater vests, and/or tan slacks, but they're pushing their luck. And they wouldn't be able to get up on the platform like that.

    On another note, I'm alarmed by the constant mentioning of cheap suits. I don't have the slightest idea what the difference is between a cheap and a nice suit. I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed, or if this is a snobby thing to make fun of the brothers for.

  • wokeup

    I'm sure Jesus' disciples wore normal clothes for their time period. He never instructed them to wear their

    best clothes or try to impress anybody. The only nice thing Jesus wore was his undies. I'm sure not too many

    were privledged to see it either. looking at the watchtower's illustrated pictures of 1st century gatherings

    you'd think they were well off.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I have a professional job, I often work with business owners, attorneys and CPAs. I very rarely encounter a man in a suit or even wearing a tie. Women are rarely dressed in suits either. The most common attire for women seems to be a sweater and slacks, or a golf shirt and jeans. Men usually wear golf shirts and dockers or jeans. There are lots of places where the entire workforce is wearing tshirts and jeans. The borg is so outdated it isn't even funny.

  • kaik

    I wonder, is moomoo alright for overweight JW?

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