The Governing Body and its sellect writers must be hitting a delusional rock bottom over this bull crap:
incere men carefully studied the Bible. Those earnest Bible Students, our predecessors, pursued a method of study that we still use today. They discussed the Bible subject by subject. When they came across a Bible passage that was difficult to understand, they looked for other verses to explain it. When they arrived at a conclusion that harmonized with the rest of the Scriptures, they wrote it down. By thus letting the Bible interpret itself, they rediscovered the truth about God’s name and Kingdom, his purpose for mankind and the earth , the condition of the dead , and the hope of the resurrection . Their search set them free from many false beliefs and practices. — John 8:31, 32 .
I think they forgot to mention fantacy delusions they got from from taking these verses from all over the bible from genesis to revelation which made them think they were special and appointed themselves to some imaginary 'Faithful and Discreet Slave' and The Corporation they were running eventually became God's visible Organization even though all the dates offered so far have come and gone with nothing ever happening like they said it would in print. They may have been sincere, but as they say:'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'. Instead they reject good scholarly work on the meaning and understanding of scripture and prefer to wallow in self grandizing delusions of stories about being appointed as kings and rulling the entire earth and selling literature filled with more bullshit than a slaughter house.
I wonder what genuine bible scholars would say about this method of studying Scripture "subject by subject" bouncing to any/all of the 66 books to get its 'real' meaning? Some how it doesn't seem like a very reliable way to examine scripture because you loose the contexts when you do that. And most certainly this allows for confirmation bias, and combine that with a bunch of corporation inspired wishful thinking. All these together should make one pause in accepting this as credentials for finds uncovered by these corporation morons.