Just a picture!!!

by sspo 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • msconcerned

    "Jehovah's Witnesses would never parade their children on display for commercial interests vested in greed"

    Taking our kids in the ministry, same thing. See funny!


    The difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and the mini heathens showing up uninvited to people's homes is for one thing, we dont ask, nor expect anything. We have something substantial to offer our neighbors. A life saving message, and the hope of a world unscathed by the problems plaguing mankind today. Jehovah's Witnesses would never parade their children on display for commercial interests vested in greed all over a holiday based upon ancient cult rituals. That said, whomever made that meme didn't think it through, and it's attempt at humor and irony falls flat......SFPW

    The difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and children showing up uninvited to people's homes is for one thing,

    Jehovah's Witnesses are going to knock on your door all year long...

    Jehovah's Witnesses have nothing substantial to offer their neighbors.

    They`ve got a bait and switch Free Bible study and a promise of evelasting life,no JW has ever cashed in on...

    Jehovah's Witnesses would never parade their children on display for commercial interests vested in greed..

    Unless it was for the WBT$..


    How much advertising did the WBT$ get from parading these..

    ...........Dead JW Children on their Awake Magazine?


    ................................................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • prologos

    and there was the implied "Trick" if we did not get the "Treat" (a placement) with contribution,

    the mumbled consignment to gehenna, in those days* if you rejected the "Good News of the 1914 Kingdom", there was no resurrection from a judgement period death. period.

    *to show you how long ago some here realized what really goes on.

  • cognac

    The difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and the mini heathens showing up uninvited to people's homes

    Go to hell.

    Jehovah's Witnesses would never parade their children on display for commercial interests

    Self-righteous, pompous people like you are one of the reasons I keep my children as far away from this religion as possible. Maybe if JWs displayed some sort of love I wouldn't have to be so adamant about it.. But your statements just further my proof of the love you people DON'T have.

  • Comatose

    Hilarious picture! Hahaha!

  • LisaRose

    We gave out over 200 pieces of candy last night, we get so many trick or treaters we just sit on the porch. Every year I buy more and every year we run out, but it's worth it to see the kids, they look so cute and they are so happy. I feel sorry for the dub kids who have to hide out in the back room and miss all the fun.

  • KateWild

    SFPW-very funny satire. You are not for real. LOL!

  • nonjwspouse

    Honesty, you have to be from my neck of the woods.

    The celebration of halloween comes from All Hallow's Eve, a veneration of Saints before All Saints Day Nov 1. In America it was not celebrated until the Irish Catholics came over and brought the celebration of the day with them. The pagan roots are no more than in the wedding ring etc. The stories about the entire holiday coming from evil is just that, stories. Sure there are many different traditions that are connected with the day in history. The current tradition is not evil or pagan, it is fun and centered on people dressing up and giving out treats.

    SFPW I have a real problem with strangers showing up at my door trying to convert me away from my faith. I am highly offended by it.

  • nonjwspouse

    Kate that picture showed up on my facebook page yesterday. I am sure it went everywhere.

  • BizzyBee

    Outlaw! photo mutley-ani1.gif

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