The murmuring phase is the beginning of an ex-JWs progression towards fading.

by Stand for Pure Worship 77 Replies latest jw friends


    SFPW said, " Unfortunately, I used the voice feature on my tablet when doing the opening post, and my intention to use the word, usurp, was misinterpreted as, use syrup. Stupid Galaxy tab

    Next time make sure your tablet comes from the right Galaxy. You probably bought a WTBTS approved tablet from Pleiades, and we know that "truth" has been "modified." I am not trying to use syrup your thread.


  • Splash

    Oh, DD, that was so mean!

    We don't talk about those things any more don'tcha know!


  • Oubliette

    Tornapart: Your words come straight out of a watchtower. Very robotic. Try and do some thinking of your own. You have got a mind of your own haven't you?

    WARNING: If you follow Tornapart's advice you will be commiting the one, unforgiveable sin for a JW: Independent Thinking. This is the one thing that the GB and the Elders cannot and will not tolerate.

    If you do this you will be forced to either, A) Continue on pretending to be a faithful witness when in fact you will be living a double life, a form of living hell; or B) you will voice some question or doubt which will result in a private meeting at the Kingdom Hall resulting in your subsequent disfellowshipping from the congregation.

    The fact that you continue to post suggests that you are already in Mode A. You have been warned.

    You can't unring a bell once it's been rung.

  • Ucantnome

    you mention Paul warned against murmuring, and Christ warned against false prophets.

    It's sort of, what should i do, say (murmur) something to someone we know who is a friend as it could be mistaken for apostasy by some or listen to the people who i think maybe false prophets whilst we contemplate Korah. It's difficult.

  • westiebilly11

    murmurers..? ones who dont take everything from the fds 'with a pinch of salt..'....I became a jw at far too young an age (emotionally/spiritually speaking).....I allowed my study conductor to commandeer my own rational thinking (god given?) abilities...I allowed the jw org to indoctrinate my mind and submerge my own questioning after 30 years + of constantly changing (under the banner of New Light') wt doctrines etc I now realize that 8 old men do not have a direct line to a 'creator'...they are fallible and make mistakes.but never admit so...their arrogance and unscriptural ostracism of those who are thinkers has shown me that I am better off out of it....I'm old enough to remember how Hitler/Goebbels etc controlled the masses to their detriment....the wt org has echoes of such control...I ask myself..where is the love that should be the driving force behind a true caring human being...?.......we do not need rules and more rules and more divisive doctrines .......many of us are not convinced of the wt the saying goes..' A man convinced against his will..remains unconvinced still'......

  • caliber

    SFPW ...What is the difference between murmuring and righteous indignation ? Who has the right to do it and why ?

    (there are moral and rightful authority issues to consider)

    Righteous indignation is typically a reactive emotion of anger over perceived mistreatment, insult, or malice. It is akin to what is called the sense of injustice (seems to be an angery outbrust heard and express for all to hear ... not hidden or said in a whisper )

    mur·mur (mûrmr)
    1. A low, indistinct, continuous sound: spoke in a murmur; the murmur of the waves.
    2. An indistinct, whispered, or confidential complaint; a mutter. ( to murmur is more likened to a secert complaint within the congregation )

    Some commentators argue that righteous indignation may be a permissible form of anger within the Christian religion, yet they argue that Christians should not express anger in the "language of vehement indignation".

    Isn't it when about attitude and how displeasure is expressed ? Is it to seek truth or to seek revenge ?

    vindicativeness would be going over the line .....

    vin·dic·tive 1. Disposed to seek revenge; revengeful. 2. Marked by or resulting from a desire to hurt; spiteful

    Is not seeking justice and truth an admirable Christian trait or quality ?

    Are those who leave so-called "Christendom " also murmurers against thier former beliefs or are they truth seekers ?

    It seems to me that murmuring is rebel "within a group" from one rightly given authority.

    It all comes down to the question of... Who is the cornerstone of the Christian congregation today..Jesus the Christ or the Watchtower Organization ?

    Even the new FDS understanding recognizes the there would be those who engage in a feeding work... but authority given

    by Christ is to be future event

    Even policemen today though given some authority over you as a person do not have absolute power... only a measured amount.. you have

    many rights and freedoms... even to challenge them in a court of law on their actions

    SFPW Who do you say is head of the Christian congregation today and why ?

    It's the equivalent of being unaware of when your flight departs because you didn't read the schedule, and then taking out your frustrations on the airline company. Senseless.

    Who set departure deadlines in 1874/1914/1925/1941/1975/ 2000/ ?

  • nonjwspouse

    SFPW, I personally am so very glad you are here and posting your observations. It is important to always, always have both/all sides of a subject explored.

    Thank you as I also recognise some of the postings are undoubtedly offensive to you. It shows a strong character to keep on posting, to read critisizims but not allow them to emotionally stop you from exploring and learning.

    I pose a question to you that I posed to my husband. If in our years of marriage I have never ever been so very adament and felt so strong about something as I have about his desire to become baptized. I have a clear idea of the danger of that completely changing his relatinship with his very close JW family if he ever gets on the wrong side of a JW member who might say to an elder they are stumbled because his daughter is attending a Catholic School. You know what the results of that would be in the JW if she would continue in the school after him being counceled against it. He expresses his doubts to me of some doctrine already. He believes living a double life within the WT rules is acceptable. Just stay quie, secret, and all is good in his mind. I suppose that is the "wait on jehovah " mindset? He does not have a clear idea. He is decieved in the same way the decieves those who read the information on shunning there.

    I personally can not stand to live in a manner that does not include integrity. I actually have a hard time understanding those who can. For a JW living with integrity includes following the complete control of the GB, and means they would cut off a family member as if they were dead if for any reason a JC ( these are not infallable men by any means) decided to disfellowship. Biblically, the Pharisees were the ones who did the shunning of Christian family members, not the other way around.

  • Skinnedsheep

    You guys know sfpw is Theocratic sedition aka no room for George aka misery loves elders.....

    he is baiting y'all

  • LisaRose

    I don't know if SFPW is a troll, nor do I care. He may or may not be pulling our leg, but what difference does it make really? I enjoy his posts.

    SFPW, I was a JW for over thirty years, I converted at 13 along with my family. I once thought as you, that Jehovah's Witnesses were the only true religion. I sacrificed a lot to be a JW, I truly believed. Over time though I found it harder and harder. So many things just didn't add up and I found I just couldn't believe anymore. I left, still thinking it might be "the truth", but knowing I couldn't live like that anymore, and I found it hard to imagine why God would want me to. I thought the Watchtower was sincere, but misguided.

    It was many years before I dared visit a so called "apostate" site. I was shocked to learn how much of what I had been told was a lie. I originally studied out of the blue "truth" book. I was told that Charles Taze Russel predicted the last days would start in 1914 based on his deep knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. I was impressed by this, I though it proved it was the only true religion. I was surprised to learn that actually CTR thought the last days started in 1897, and that 1914 would be the end of this system. I was also surprised to learn that his date calculation was borrowed from someone else and was also based on a fictitious date for the fall of Babylon.

    I was stunned, every thing I had done for thirty years was based on a lie. Every decision I made, every sacrifice was based on fraud. I realized then the Watchtower was not misguided, they are evil hypocrites. People have died for this religion, families have been broken up, all for a lie, for no reason. That is why I could never go back, I cannot be part of the something like that.

  • frankiespeakin

    Murmering can be the begining phase of fading but usually once a person finds out The Truth About The Truth(TTATT) usually they just want to fade without drawing any unwanted attention to themselves and thus not loose all their friends inside the Borg collective by being Disfellowshipped.

    Murmering is a natural out come once one finds they been duped by a religious organization into hours and hours of service selling their products without pay and all their promises of a future paradise were just nonsense and completely false. Who wouldn't be ready to murmer like hell after being treated in such a manner by a nonprofit religious organization trying to pass itself off as God's Organization.

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