THE ALTERNATIVE DAILY TEXT by The Witchtower editor

by processor 176 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • processor

    Alternative Daily Text for Tuesday, April 15, 2014

    “Every swarming creature of the earth is something loathsome.” (Leviticus 11:41)

    Obviously there are ‘loathsome creatures.’ It is impossible that they were created by God because “every creation of God is fine.” (1 Timothy 4:4) “All of God’s creative work is perfect,” and “in God’s handiwork both big and small are beautiful.” (Awake!, May 8, 1977, page 27; November 8, 1995, page 10) Furthermore, the apostle Paul wrote that only apostates who are “paying attention to misleading inspired statements and teachings of demons … [and] speak lies” would “command people to abstain from foods that God created.” (1 Timothy 4:1-3) But the Mosaic Law came from God; when he commanded to abstain from certain foods, he must have referred to foods that someone else had created.

    Since the ban explicitly mentions ‘creatures,’ someone must have created them, for “we know that everything made has a maker.” (Awake!, October 22, 1973, page 23) The Bible tells us who is was: “When the Most High passed the peoples to the Gods, when he divided humankind, he determined the territories of the peoples according to the number of the Gods.” (Deuteronomy 32:8,Einheitsübersetzung) So there were multiple gods, that is why Jehovah said to the other gods during creation: “Let us make man in our image.” (Genesis 1:26) For the Jews, of course, Jehovah was “the God of gods,” and they refused to worship other gods – but they never denied their existence. (Deuteronomy 10:17) Thus it must have been one of these other gods who created the ‘loathsome swarming creatures.’

  • processor

    Alternative Daily Text for Friday, April 18, 2014

    “All the utensils of gold and of silver were 5,400.” (Ezra 1:11)

    Ezra reports the exact number of vessels which Cyrus returned to the Jews: “Now this was the inventory: 30 basket-shaped vessels of gold, 1,000 basket-shaped vessels of silver, 29 replacement vessels, 30 small gold bowls, 410 small silver bowls, 1,000 other utensils. All the utensils of gold and of silver were 5,400.” – Ezra 1:9-11.

    According to today’s popular mathematics it would have been only 2,499 vessels –. not 5,400 as stated by Ezra. What is the reason for the difference between the Bible’s definitive statement and the mathematical calculation? Mathematics is a science, and “what scientists know is far less than what they do not know … A scientist’s lack of knowledge is compounded by his imperfection.” (Awake!, June 22, 1993, page 22) Furthermore, “scientists are only imperfect humans. They make mistakes … [and] cling to ideas that are not the truth.” – Awake!, March 8, 1977, page 9.

    True Christians put “their trust … not in human scientists but in the Master Scientist, who created all living things, Jehovah God.” (Awake!, December 8, 2000, page 18) “When scientific … [statements] that contradict the Bible … are introduced, they say with calm confidence that the scientists must be wrong.” (Awake!, April 8, 1972, page 16) Exactly that applies here. “The Scriptures are infallible, being the Word of God.” (Awake!, February 8, 1989, page 11) Thus, when they say that ‘30 vessels, 1000 vessels, 29 replacement vessels, 30 bowls, 410 bowls, and 1,000 other utensils’ are together ‘5,400 utensils,’ then this is an established fact. “The Bible, the Word of God, allows no room for doubt.” (The Watchtower, June 1, 2008, page 3) Let us hope that mathematicians will recognize their error sooner or later.

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    Love Nov. 11, 12, and 15, 2013 so far. Tons of laughs and thoughtful interpetations.

  • processor

    New texts to arrive next week. This week I neglect our spiritual needs for materialistic reasons.

  • processor

    Alternative Daily Text for Monday, April 28, 2014

    “The lion will eat straw like the bull.” (Isaiah 11:7)

    As is known, “the Bible says that in the garden of Eden the diet of the animals was vegetation.” (Happiness – How to Find It, page 188) “None of the animals in the garden of Eden were killers,” rather they “had a vegetarian diet in Eden, as did humans.” Only after Adam and Eve sinned, “the animals … began to live off one another.” (Awake!, October 8, 1982, pages 10, 11) “Further, during the Flood of Noah’s day, eight humans and ‘flying creatures and all moving animals of the ground’ were obliged to live on vegetable matter exclusively for more than a year,” proving “that animals and humans were meant to be vegetation eaters.” – Awake!, January 8, 1983, page 28.

    Also in the future paradise “animals will be at peace with one another, able to be around one another without risk.” (The Watchtower, December 15, 1991, page 30) Lions “will eat straw” or other vegetarian diet, just like all other animals. Even the polar bears at the North Pole and the penguins at the South Pole will eat grass which will grow there in abundance. Spiders will create “intricate webs” in order to catch leaves flying around. (Awake!, July 8, 1972, page 5) “The cheetah finds the open grasslands ideal footing for its lightning-quick sprints. Its lean body blurs as it races across the plains in pursuit of prey” consisting of grass blades and other plants. (Awake!, February 22, 2003, page 16) Even crocodiles will eat vegetables growing underwater or in the proximity of the shore; fish will no longer eat other fish or shellfishes. Carnivorous plants like the Venus flytrap and carnivorous mushrooms like the lawyer’s wig will change their dietary habits and live on vegetarian diet.

    Granted, “the earth [will] cause grass to sprout, seed-bearing plants and fruit trees,” but it remains to be seen whether it will be enough to feed all humans and animals. (Genesis 1:11) Antelopes will no longer be eaten by lions, but maybe they will starve because lions have eaten up all the grass. However, the dietary change will have more far-reaching effects. The human population is growing above average in times of peace, and the same will apply to the animal population when there is “peace among animals.” (The Watchtower, February 15, 1996, page 18) Some animals reproduce rapidly, for example, “the common brown rat … the black rat … and the house mouse” – a single female of these “can produce 2000 descendants in one year.” (Stopest) Mice and rats have many natural predators in our day, but once these have become vegetarians, a single mouse can have roughly 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 descendants within only ten years. Thus the “abundance of grain on the earth” will not persist because mice and other animals will eat it up in a minimum of time. “On the top of the mountains it will overflow,” not of food, but of mice, rats, hares, birds, and many other fast reproducing animals. (Psalm 72:16) The oxygen content of the air will also be reduced, since “phytoplankton account for half of all photosynthetic activity on Earth … [and are] responsible for much of the oxygen present in the Earth’s atmosphere,” but it will be the exclusive source of food for all sea dwellers in paradise. – Wikipedia.

    In summary: “God’s restoration of Paradise on earth through Christ” will cause an extreme shortage of grass, grain, and other vegetables. (The Watchtower, September 15, 2007, page 12) Animals will reproduce without hindrance. If there would not be food shortage and lack of oxygen, earth would be covered with a meters thick layer of mice, rats, worms, and other animals after few years. Then the survivors will rightly proclaim: “The former things” – lush meadows, biodiverse forests, full pantries – “have passed away.” – Revelation 21:4.

  • processor

    Alternative Daily Text for Tuesday, April 29, 2014

    “Master, leave it alone for one more year until I dig around it and put on manure.” (Luke 13:8)

    In the first place, the parable of the barren fig tree was fulfilled by Jesus himself. “During … [the] fourth year of his ministry, he is … symbolically digging and putting manure around the Jewish ‘fig tree’ by zealously preaching and teaching in Judea and Perea.” (The Watchtower, October 15, 1988, page 8) His teaching was “manure.” Back then, “dung was used as manure,” and in the Bible, “dung or manure is also employed as a simile.” (Insight on the Scriptures, volume I, pages 658, 659) So, in a spiritual sense, Jesus spread dung in Judea and Perea.

    In our time it is “Jehovah’s Witnesses who are carrying out the good work started by Jesus Christ.” (The Watchtower, March 15, 2000, page 8) “Millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses are … preaching and teaching” today, spreading “magazines, books, and brochures.” (The Watchtower, December 15, 1987, page 18;2008 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, page 144) Thus these publications, “especially The Watchtower,” are the Greater Dung. – 1994 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, page 201.

  • processor

    Alternative Daily Text for Thursday, May 1, 2014

    “Pay no attention to this worthless man Nabal, for he lives up to his name: His name is Nabal, and stupidity is all he knows.” (1 Samuel 25:25, HCSB)

    In the article “Wives – Deeply Respect Your Husbands,” the Watchtower asked its readers: “What can wives learn from the example of such Bible characters as Abigail?” (February 15, 2007, page 21) The answer is apparent, for today’s text is a fine example of “Abigail’s humility, deep respect, and clear thinking.” (The Watchtower, November 1, page 11) Christian women of today should imitate “her being respectful and mild.” – The Watchtower, August 15, 1976, page 484.

  • processor

    Alternative Daily Text for Sunday, May 4, 2014

    “Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” (Matthew 6:32)

    Jesus told his disciples: “God your Father knows what things you are needing.” (Matthew 6:8, NWT 1984) Does this mean that Christians do not have to worry about anything because God cares for them? No, this is not the case. The key to understanding Jesus’ words can be found in another statement that he made a white later: “Two sparrows sell for a coin of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s knowledge.” – Matthew 10:29.

    So God also “knows” when birds “fall [dead] to the ground, and still “as many as 988 million birds die annually in window collisions” alone. (The Washington Post) Millions more are killed by cats and other predators, or dying from starvation or disease.

    What can we learn from this? Granted, God knows when birds “fall to the ground” – but they do “fall to the ground.” God knows that they perish, but he does nothing about it. In the same way he cares for Christians: God ‘knows what things they are needing,’ but he does not give these to them.

  • processor

    Alternative Daily Text for Wednesday, May 7, 2014

    “So these men … were thrown into the burning fiery furnace.” (Daniel 3:21)

    The pagan king Nebuchadnezzar threw three men “into the burning fiery furnace” because they refused to worship his gods. (Daniel 3:14, 21) This is not the only Bible account that puts furnaces in a negative context. The prophet Hosea condemned the apostate Israelites: “All of them are adulterers, like a furnace.” (Hosea 7:4, NWT 1984) So furnaces were as bad as adulterers – and back then, adultery was one of the worst crimes imaginable. Adulterers had to “be put to death without fail.” – Leviticus 20:10.

    The Bible further mentions a “metalsmith” making idols “over the coals,” that is, by the help of a furnace. (Isaiah 44:12) On another occasion, apostate king Jehoiakim “was sitting … with a fire burning in the brazier before him,” and he used this kind of oven to burn the scroll of the prophet Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 36:22, 23) “The slaves and the officers” of the High Priest also “were standing around a charcoal fire they had made” during Jesus’ conviction. (John 18:18) Is it not interesting that the Bible mentions fires and furnaces so often in regard to Gods enemies? This shows without doubt that God does not approve the use of furnaces and heatings. This is probably also the reason why “faithful Abraham … went out from the Chaldean city of Ur,” since Ur was the birthplace of central heating. – Insight on the Scriptures, volume I, page 974; Bringing God’s Word to the Nations.

    Does this mean that Christians should not heat at all? Yes, since God himself declared that “the earth will never cease to have … cold and heat.” (Genesis 8:22) The winter cold is an order from God, that is why the apostle Paul served him “in cold and lacking clothing.” (2 Corinthians 11:27) Therefor let us imitate the faithful worshippers of old by living with “no covering for the cold.” (Job 24:7) If we live in a house with heating, we should follow Abraham’s example and move out immediately. Only then we might have a chance to survive “the day … that is burning like the furnace.” – Malachi 4:1, NWT 1984

  • processor

    Alternative Daily Text for Thursday, May 8, 2014

    “Look! Here is water; what prevents me from getting baptized?” (Acts 8:36)

    After only few minutes of Bible study, an Ethiopian man asked Philip whether he could get baptized. Philip acted presumptuously and readily “baptized him,” completely ignoring theocratic procedure. (Acts 8:38) He rather should have waited until the Ethiopian would have breathed the wish to accompany him in the field ministry. Then he should have informed the coordinator of the body of elders, so that he could have ‘arranged a meeting of two elders (one being a member of the Congregation Service Committee)’ and the Ethiopian. The Elders would have tried to find out whether the Ethiopian ‘believed that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and if he knew and believed the basic teachings of the Scriptures so that when asked questions, he would not have answered according his own ideas.’

    They would have verified that he was “heeding the Bible’s command to associate with Jehovah’s people at congregation meetings,” that he ‘knew what the Bible teaches about fornication, adultery, polygamy, and homosexuality, and if he was living in harmony with such teachings.’ They would have asked him whether he knew “the Bible’s prohibition of drunkenness,” and they would have checked if he was “free from all nonmedical use of additive of mind-altering natural or synthetic substances.” They would have made sure that he saw “the value of avoiding unwholesome association.” Furthermore they would have investigated whether ‘he had definitely broken off membership in all false religious organizations with which he might have been affiliated, and if he had ceased attending their meetings and supporting or sharing in their activities,’ and also if he was “free from all involvement in the political affairs of the world.”

    Finally they would have “encouraged [him] to begin sharing in the field ministry as soon as possible and to turn in a field service report at the end of the month,” and informed him that “a Congregation’s Publisher Record card is made out in his name and included in the congregation file.” (Organized to do Jehovah’s Will, pages 79-81) After he would have regularly turned in a field service report during a number of months, he could have apprised the coordinator of the body of elders of his decision to get baptized. The coordinator of the body of elders would have assigned three different elders to discuss 35 questions about “elementary bible teachings,” 32 questions about “Jehovah’s righteous requirements,” and 37 questions regarding “Jehovah’s arrangement of things” with him.

    If the Ethiopian would have confidently and correctly answered all 104 questions, the elders would likely have allowed him to get baptized. He would have been baptized at the next convention. One year later, the secretary would have ‘notified the coordinator of the body of elders that the publisher has been baptized one year,’ and the coordinator would have ‘arranged for two elders, one of them being the Ethiopian’s group overseer, to meet with the baptized publisher … to provide encouragement and helpful suggestions.’ – Shepherd the Flock of God, pages 17, 19.

    Therefor let us never be as careless as Philip, but let us “willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate with the appointed elders in the congregations.” (The Watchtower, January 15, 2010, page 32) Only then “all things … [can] take place decently and by arrangement.” – 1 Corinthians 14:40.

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