What is for the good of Victims? In borrowing some language from Pathoforms, we can ask the following: Is mandatory reporting of these allegations to the authorities respecting a victim's right to their dignity? What if they feel too embarrassed over what happened or if it is their desire "not to testify" in court? How important is it to get child molesters out of society? And must prosecuting these individuals and protecting other children be balanced with the protecting of the mental and emotional health of the victims?
Consider "Degree and Type" of crime: If you discover someone siphoned some gas from your car ... you see your gas cap on the ground, and your tank half empty ... do you report this to the police? You might. You might not ... you might reason you do not want to bother, or that the person who swiped some gas from you was financially distressed. The police would not make this type of crime, or its low degree of harm, a priority ... and so you will likely forget it.
Now, if your car was stolen, and you could not get to work, and you get fired as a result ... then the 'degree' of harm changes ... and you may have to make report to the police to get insurance benefits, not mention getting car thieves off the street. Or if caught, bringing civil suit to recover various ununsured damages.
Consider "Adult vs Child" victims: A young women, say 19 years old, is a prostitute. She is legally an adult ... and you see her Pimp beat the crap out of her on the street, shove her into a car, and leave the area. Do you note the license plate and report what you saw? Suppose she got away, and ran into you. And you offer to call the police on your cell phone, but she begs and insists that you do not do that, because if her Pimp finds out, he will torture her. What do you do?
Then, right behind her is her roommate who is also a prostitute ... she is 17 years, 11 months old, making her legally 'not' an adult. Of course, you don't know her age, but the point is, she too is being chased by the same Pimp. She too begs and insists that you not go to the police. She too is afraid of torture. Or the embarassment and violation of her dignity.
Then, lo and behold, another 'prostitute in training' runs around the corner ... a victim of the same Pimp ... she is only 16 years old ... what do you do? This continues on until progressively the girls get younger ... 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, ... when do you say "no" to the vicitm, and call the police? ... when do you conclude that the victim's "dignity and concerns" must be subjected to the need to contact the authorities?
Consider the "Perpetrators"...: The girls run off from you, and now the Pimp runs around the corner ... and sees you about to make a cell phone call ... assuming you are calling the police ... he begs you to not call the police ... he insists that he has never really harmed the girls ... this is what they wanted. When you tell him you observed his beating the 19 year old, he then changes his story some by promising not to harm the girls anymore ... and continues to beg you to stay out of it ... and think of the desire and dignity of the victim to not have the authorities involved ... what do you do? Yes, of course, many Pimps are mean s-o-b's and will just as soon shoot you as to talk to you ... but some Pimps are not that openly mean, and you would never know they are Pimps. They are 'good' to their girls.
WHAT ABOUT CHILD MOLESTERS? You folks that try to talk 'BALANCE' sound very good ... and in the case of some minor gas siphoning, or other petty acts ... the victim, especially as adults, can make the choice to decide to let it drop and move on. In serious crime ... especially repeated over and over again and again ... THE VICTIMS ARE OUT OF THEIR MINDS ... AND NEED HELP!!!! And this noble talk will not cut it.
Witnessing rape: Again, as I have stated in a few previous posts ... I watched my sister raped by my dad when I was only 5 years old ... He molested her for about SIX YEARS!!! ... from the age of about 6 until 12 ... he stopped because he was more afraid of getting her pregnant. My catching my dad was when my sister was 11. She spent more time comforting me then she did feeling bad for herself. Neither of us knew what to do, or what we could do ... and it took us many years to move beyond this ... for my sister it ended when I had my dad cremated. For me it ended when I was able to openly admit ... AGAINST MY DESIRES ... what really took place. The EMOTIONAL SUFFERING IS ENORMOUS - AND - WORST OF ALL, YOU DO NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND THE SUFFERING UNTIL 30 YEARS LATER, BECAUSE ALL ALONG YOU THOUGHT THAT IT WAS YOUR FAULT THAT YOU SUFFERRED!! That, is the HELL HOLE that PEDOPHILES put their VICTIMS through.!!! It is the mind-game, or type of mind-control a victim suffers. That is hard core reality. VICTIMS NEED HELP, EVEN IF THEY SAY THEY WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!!!
Hey, sorry about the ALL CAPS ... I am not yelling ... just feeling very emphatic.
WHAT DO WE NEED! We need for parents, and religions, and lawyers, and therapist, and doctors, etc. to get the Pedophiles out of our lives ... and into some kind of treatment center all to themselves on some remote island near the South Pole. We need the same group of responsible adults and adult former victims to step in to help the victims to recover ... and the SOONER THE BETTER !!!
Religions like the Catholic Church and the Watchtower need to release the names of the pedophiles to the authorities - NOW!!! ... they need to support victims - NOW! ... they need to encourage, help and assert that victims and their parents go to the police - NOW!!! ... This waiting around is just stalling and make life more miserable, and will DEEPEN the DAMAGE done to victims.
Damn the committes to study the problem ... and full steam ahead to solve the problem - JUST DO IT - and stop talking about it.
For some posters: PLEASE STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR THE WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY! Some little token language in their BOE letters is nothing but FILTH ... it is total, absolute, irrefutable, and unquestionable blindness in an attempt to serve their own self interest as an organization ... this dicking around with words and parsing beneficial fairness to the Watchtower group is pure unadulterated bovine excrement. Get THIS: The Watchtower and its GOVERNING BODY DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE VICTIMS ... or we would not be here talking as we are ... they are simply only interested in saving their legal asses ... and perpetrating their own self-importance as religious Pharisees. OTHERWISE ...
They would write a Watchtower article to ALL JWs and not just for the Elders eyes in BOE letters ... and tell the JWs to get the police, the courts, child services, and other agencies involved ... shortly after I left the JWs I got to know a Baptist preacher and his wife who were involved in victim advocate programs through the County ... and when this came up in the Church ... they were able to work with the authorities closely and bring a lot of help ... IF THE BIBLE THUMPING BAPTISTS CAN DO IT --- WHY CAN'T THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESS DO IT? ... because the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses under the auspices of the Watchtower Society is a DYSFUNCTIONAL RELIGION in need of serious help as a community ...
... their relationship is not much different from that of a Pimp and Prostitute, where the victim is beaten and afraid to go to the police ... where the Pimp says: "Oh, I won't stop you or criticize you for going to the police' - but the Prostitute know good and damn well what will happen if she does go to the police ... or the relationship of JW to the religion is like that of Pedophiles and their Victims ... when the Pedophile says to the Victim, IT'S OUR LITTLE SECRET NOW ... DON'T TELL, BECAUSE IT COULD CAUSE LOTS OF PROBLEMS. It is the same mentality when the Elders who last shepherded me ... Elder G in my Exit Series, begged me NOT to go to the police because of the "trouble" it would cause. Dear God, I am glad I went to the police anyway, but I wish I would have gone to the MEDIA.
WE NEED THE LIGHT OF DAY ON THIS TOPIC FOR ALL TO SEE AND UNDERSTAND. PS: Pathoforms, this post was not intended to attack your sincerity ... but to clearly emphasize the issue so that we can get away from parsing words ... and see this for what it is.