Do the JW's have any scriptural basis for this, since these scriptures clearly state otherwise, John 3:3,5,7 Romans 8:9 1John 5;12-13?????
A christian with an earthly hope can enter into God's Kingdom without being born again???
by Crazyguy 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
CG, wt has several kingdoms and the OS kingdom of the Sheep and the (delicious) GOATS, deals with
2)the Kingdom "FROM the founding of the earth" i.e. Abel,-- whereas
1)* the kingdom "BEFORE the founding of the earth" the predetermined NO. of "anointed"requires the Born again deal.
Wt Awakw reading gives you a college degree in
* This is put No.1 because wt teaches that the whole NT was written only for this No.1 class, not the FDS anymore, but still anointed. or anoyed
Sounds like what your saying is similar to the 'kingdom of love' that they came up with in order to explain away the scriptures that clearly show that Jesus was sitting at the right hand of his father with full power and authority, before 1914.
I do not think that wt ever elaborated on that scripture, Paul plunked it in, as he did also with the "Israel of God"
but of course the Kingdom "before" and "from" the world's foundation" are bible terms too, and wt LOVES to introduce rank, tier into their doctrines.
that has been my biggest problem with jw, i have studyed his topic out to the max lol. there is no salvation outside gods kingdom.if one must be born again to enter the kingdom, than how can jw say matthew 7:21-23 is them that are doing the fathers will?
they are SAYING they are doing the father's will, but "prophesying," truly? the record says otherwise.
pro: the point is according to the verses in matthe 7 the ones doing the will of the father "will enter the kingdom" check it out. how can jw enter thbe kingdom when you must be born again to enter or see the kmingdom.john3
yadda yadda 2
One of the biggest myths of the JW's.
To suggest a Christian on this side of Armageddon can escape Adamic death without being born again is totally unscriptural. The 'great crowd' of Revelation 7 is clearly born again and in the new covenant. They are wearing white robes washed in the blood of the Lamb and are in the inner sanctuary (naos) of the temple.
yadda yadda amen!
See my post 131 on this thread for a comparison of the terms used in John 3 and Matthew 19.
Note also how Jesus left the options to only two: Being "born of the flesh," and being "born of the spirit." And verse 15 has Jesus boiling the discussion to, "so that everyone believing in [Jesus] may have everlasting life."
Take Care