Sat on the platform reading the WT and simultaneously posting to JWN. A beard and a tablet on the platform, whatever next? Do I get a badge? Surreptitious apostate of the month.?
Aah sweet rebellion.
by Captain Blithering 26 Replies latest social humour
Do I understand correctly you were the WT reader?
Captain Blithering
Yep! Still sat here posting!
Captain Blithering
Big fat stinking hypocrite of the month perhaps? I dot think that'll fit on a badge.
Having the beard and still assigned to read is probably the most surprising to me. (Not that it would bother me at all.) Maybe that's just a USA thing for the WT?
You get a certificate.
Well done
In the words of Loki in th new thor film. "YOU MUST BE TRULY DESPERATE TO COME TO ME FOR HELP."
They are desperate for men to reach out. when i was still in just over a year ago a brother in our hall read the WT and had a beard. i remember the tme not too many years ago that shaved heads, beards, were a big no, no. if C T Russell were alive now he would be turning in his pyramid shaped grave.
i dont know what country captain blithering comes from, but im from uk. got disfellowshipped in june this year if thats a clue. you sound like someone i know. send me a PM to see if i know you?
Captain Blithering
Ahhhh annomaly, that is PERFECT! Thank you so much , ive worked so hard for this, it will take pride of place next to my 500m swimming certificate. Here in the UK beards aren't so much a big thing depending on congregation of course. They only get to be a problem if you're appointed. Although we do have a few servants with beards in my town. And they're dying to appoint me again. Ain't gonna happen. Thanks for my certificate, im chuffed to bits with that!
It tickled me to think you were on the platform, right in front of a congregation full of JWs as assigned WT reader (and 'should-be' elder, if they had their way) and posting on JWN! How you managed to keep a straight or innocent-looking face I'll never know. Well deserved, sir.
AAhhh Captainbli ...haha like being in a crowd with
no underwear on!!!!