APRIL 13, 1932 The GOLDEN AGE p.429
Probably within the same category are to be included some of the musical prodigies
that have recently attracted attention. Thus there is Sidney Sherrington, the four-year
old son of an English miner, who is said to have astonished masters with his piano
playing. His parents are spiritists and claim that the spirit of Mozart is using their
son as a medium. Mozart has nothing to do with it. If the child has any help from the
unseen world (and he probably has), that help comes from the demons.
Quite probably in the same category is the prodigy mentioned in the NEW YORK TIMES of
November 26,1931. The dispatch from Berlin says:
A new phenomenon was added tonight to the contemporary roster of musical wonder children
when six-year-old Ruth Slenzynaski gave a piano recital in the Bachsaal and dumfounded a
huge gathering with her almost unbelievable performances of numerous and exacting
compositions of Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Shubert, Scarlatti, Chopin and Weber. . .She never began a piece without first looking long and intently at her audience as if to
command attention and silence. . .The power which the child can summon at will seems
altogether uncanny, coming from so slight a frame. Her rhythm, sharpness of accent, sense of phrase values as well as clarity, accuracy and velocity of finger work are matters to move even the most skeptical hearer to consternation.