Great musical talent is probably DEMONISM? Old publications say so!

by Terry 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    APRIL 13, 1932 The GOLDEN AGE p.429

    Probably within the same category are to be included some of the musical prodigies
    that have recently attracted attention. Thus there is Sidney Sherrington, the four-year
    old son of an English miner, who is said to have astonished masters with his piano
    playing. His parents are spiritists and claim that the spirit of Mozart is using their
    son as a medium. Mozart has nothing to do with it. If the child has any help from the
    unseen world (and he probably has), that help comes from the demons.
    Quite probably in the same category is the prodigy mentioned in the NEW YORK TIMES of
    November 26,1931. The dispatch from Berlin says:
    A new phenomenon was added tonight to the contemporary roster of musical wonder children
    when six-year-old Ruth Slenzynaski gave a piano recital in the Bachsaal and dumfounded a
    huge gathering with her almost unbelievable performances of numerous and exacting
    compositions of Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Shubert, Scarlatti, Chopin and Weber. . .She never began a piece without first looking long and intently at her audience as if to
    command attention and silence. . .The power which the child can summon at will seems
    altogether uncanny, coming from so slight a frame. Her rhythm, sharpness of accent, sense of phrase values as well as clarity, accuracy and velocity of finger work are matters to move even the most skeptical hearer to consternation.

  • adamah

    I wouldn't count it out!

    Let's burn musical child prodigies at the stake, as it's better safe than sorry!

  • Finkelstein

    Just a little slice of the ignorant and most likely Booze (spirits) influenced rhetoric from J Rutherford.

    Part of the internal agenda of the WTS./JWS is to use the fear inducing apparition of spirits/demons to

    gravitate interest to the WTS's literature as well to keep people subdued in their organization as a plausible means

    of protection from those demons/spirits.

    Add into that the ever so soon coming day of judgment Armageddon and you have created a psychological stature

    of both attention and retainment, something this publishing house as exploited precariously for a very long time.

  • Terry

    I'm spot reading old publication articles in the Watch Tower archive.

    Currently reading the "Harvest siftings" gossipy Zion's Watch Tower magazine where a group of Brothers in the Allegheny congregation

    wanted to kick Pastor Russell out!

    Russell really sets it all up with an unctuousness that turns my stomach.

    The dispute seemed to begin with sending a Brother Rogers to England with books to sell (and thereby cover expenses).

    The poor guy was under a great deal of pressure to sell enough of Russell's books to take care of himself.

    When he got back he complained and Russell told him he had no talent for public speaking and should switch his style of presentation.

    Hard feelings developed, of course! It is all such incredibly petty gossip with insults being hurled left and right--it really gives you a glimpse

    into personalities and childish preoccupations.

    "Harvest Siftings"

  • fakesmile

    religion strikes again. retarding human intelligence for superstition. now it makes sense why my parents were unsupportive when i came home with my first guitar. but didnt the bile, i mean bible say that david made big j happy with music?

  • adamah

    Just out of curiosity I checked up on Ruth Slenzynaska (the article spelled her name incorrectly) to see what ever became of Satan's minion. Turns out the whole demonic possession and worshipping Baalzebub thing has worked out pretty good for ol' Ruth, who's still alive and performing to this day!

    Here's her wikipedia page:

    And one of many YouTube videos of her performing:


  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Wow, I just watched that video. Wonderful.

  • adamah

    Pretty freakin' good, isn't she? If someone checks out no other part, listen from 6 minutes to 9 minutes:

    Most people who aren't exposed to music aren't aware that such musical talent becomes apparent early on.

    Salieri was a musical rival of Mozart, and he became a bitter atheist on the basis that he was pious and faithful to God for his whole life, but here God bestowed immensely-greater talent and fame upon Mozart (another child prodigy), who was a bit of a hedonist. Perhaps that disconnect is why believers claim such talent if found in an unbeliever is a gift from the Devil, and if it's a believer, it's a gift from God.

  • Finkelstein

    But doesn't saying that great musical talent originates from demon influence something advantageous to

    write and print in a magazine such as what the WTS. puts out ?

    Part of the responsibility drawing attention to the publications your writing for is to

    create articles of appealing sensationalist value.

    Using sound rationalized logic is not on the perquisite agenda of the writers of the WTS., exploiting fear and human ignorance is though.

  • Zordino

    I just watched the video and I have to say Ruthorford (whos now water skiing in heaven with Jebus) had it right all along!

    this Old woman is playing a devilish tune on her piano and she's quite good at it : )

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