So we did, for the second week in a row, a family BIBLE-ONLY study.
Interesting highlights:
I am reading from the 1984 Bible with References. My mom and dad decide to read from revision 2013. After reading the first three verses of Titus 1, my mom says, "why don't you read from the new Bible?"
me: "uh... no... I prefer the reference one"...
mom: "ok"
I continue reading,
(Titus 1:11) 11 It is necessary to shut the mouths of these, as these very men keep on subverting entire households by teaching things they ought not for the sake of dishonest gain.
I comment on how scientologist's founder was reported to have said, "I want to make a million dollars! I will make a religion"...
My mom just shook her head...
(Titus 3:9-10) 9 But shun foolish questionings and genealogies and strife and fights over the Law, for they are unprofitable and futile. 10 As for a man that promotes a sect, reject him after a first and a second admonition;
This is where it got funny... I said, so there are some religions that say stupid things, like for example, ACTUALLY PREDICTING A DATE FOR THE END OF THE WORLD...
And my mom said, "yeah, like those brothers who thought... that... 1977... was the end of the world..."
I was like,
me: "I think you mean 1975"
mom: "Yeah, that's it... the brothers had weird ideas, and lots of them left the organization because of that"....
I said,
"Yeah, well... I meant more like those who believed in..."
mom: "Yeah... those who believed that last year was the end of the world"
me: "Yeah!! I mean, HOW STUPID IS IT to have A ROCK tell them WHEN the end of the world is!! Like, measurements and stuff OF A ROCK!!"
My mom looked at me funny... I think she kind of got a hint that I was mocking the Witnesses, but just kept silent...
me again: "Well... THOSE people are condemned in the Bible"...
So yeah... that was a bit of our family Bible Study...