I fill the gaps with spaghetti. Kate you should believe in the FSM's ability to touch you with his noodly appendage, even sparlock does...
god-of-the-gaps. Should we or shouldn't we fiil in the gaps with God?
by KateWild 138 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
prologos - agreed.
Bohm: They are using magnets to fill what was the gap of the HIGGS* boson and mechanism. *correction.
Could it be that you, like most JW's, have always relied on the org to fill in the gaps? The org has always done that with their own WT opinions. The org has a long history of supplying answers or solutions to matters in which it has no real knowledge or expertise. So they guess and try to put a "bible" spin on it and find some unrelated scripture to support their blather. I use to buy it. But going forward;
I can live with questions that can't be answered; but I cannot live with answers that cannot be questioned!
There's thunder- A god did it.
A disaster wiped out the tribe- A god did it.
Man has outgrown that attitude, yet many want to extend that very thing for unknowns in science.
Plus, convincing oneself that a god did it tends to allow theists to extend their claims of what those gaps are.
When they hear of the "theory" of evolution, they say "So we really don't know" when we do know that evolution took place and that there was a human presence was on earth for a much longer time than current religious beliefs.
But some will ignore the fossils and DNA and all that science has to offer in a subject and stick with "So we really don't know" or "It's just a theory" and "You cannot prove it absolutely."I prefer to say "We don't know what dark matter and dark energy are, but we will keep looking into it." If you would rather say "God did it," you just may ignore all the progress we make figuring it out.
I am not sure you understand what you are promoting Kate... 'God did it' is an answer, it is not a temporary plug for the gap in the knowledge. So once you have said that, the research and questions end...what else is there to ask?. Unless you admit it is a weak and dangerous answer and nothing more than a temporary stop gap, then you have to see the dangers for such an action. Hopefully you recognise that, so with the dangers in mind, what are the benefits of doing it? What are the evidences for it? I don't mean to be rude, but all it does is make Kate feel better about things she doesnt know. The problem is you me, most people not working on the frontlines of science really know nothing, so just because we dont understand e.g. quantum physics.... We should say 'God did it' and halt all progress? There are people out there that dont realise we have weighed the universe, established its shape, taken a photo of the big bang via its radiation pattern, we have several good theories as to what caused it and what was going on, I mean at what point do you want to evoke your god? Would you be willing to gamble your belief of him on it I.e. the big bang...god did it! The day we again prove he was absent and unrequired you have to take a step back once more....
There is no reason to take this view! Whats the benefit and also......Which god? Based on what holy text? Why? Who decides? Why? At what point do we then question it?
Perhaps you dont appreciate where all our science and technology comes from? It comes from exploring what we dont know, from asking questions about questions about questions.... You say you dont think science knows everything, every scientist gets out of bed for this reason, no scientist claims to have all the answers, they leave that for the people that claim to be able to answer the unanswered, even without reason or evidence.... Such as 'god did it.....my god by the way'
Why do females get so many nasty cancers? GOD DID IT ... Maybe To punish us? 100 years ago, this gap was filled with this answer for many people, arent you glad we didnt just sit back on that answer? Tamoxifen and Herceptin are drugs saving wives, mothers, daughters... Because we dont get lazy or look to texts from the desert 2000 years ago to answer our questions. The hormones and receptors in women identified have led to knowing how to find treatments. That is the actions of a fundamentalist.
Asking how animals have changed over time was fought with venom by christians and the religious, why even ask...GOD DID IT. The mechanisms of evolution made evident in answering this question has led to amazing finds, in technology, in engineering and in medicine.Life saving medical policies and treatments have come from evolution, are you glad we didnt take your advice with that?
The big bang, the nuclear forces, the formation of bosons and elements and particles.... All that is gone with a simple GOD DID IT. No electricity, no nuclear power, no medical imaging (xray/ct/mri).... The future of human technology is in physics and energy manipulation. Do you have your heating on right now?Turn it off and light a fire, the heating system is born out of how and why , where and when! Not.... 'God did it!'
Can you give me ONE reason beneficial for more than just the person saying it, for declaring "GOD DID IT," to a question!
Can you give me one reason why it is not beneficial to seek out the actual cause of a yet unexplained event?
Something that suprises me talking to religious pals etc, having long left that life behind, is how little they know abou the world and universe we live iN. Science does not have all the answers, but they have far more than people realise and anything they dont know they are working hard on it. All that effort, often lifetimes of work, whilst the person denouncing them and their work, sits picking their nose watching 'who wants to be a millionaire'.
So kate can you give me lastly one example of something we dont yet know or understand that saying "god did it" would prove beneficial?
Snare x
ps kate it is cool to see you thinking and asking such questions, they are very important.
Hey everyone thanks for posting....
Science has never filled a gap in with anything that requires the supernatural intervention of a divine being.-K99
I stopped reading your post after this sentence. I am afraid I disagree with you. Einstein knew the equation behind E=mc2. He understood how it worked. He believed in God. We all know that photons exist and are produced by matter in a chemical reaction. But I have never met or spoken to anyone who could explain it, or produce evidence that photons are produced by chance. When Einstein discovered a complex equation to explain how energy is produced, he did not say it required supernatural intervention. He just accepted and believed God did it.
Newton also believed in God. His work on Gravity isn't as complex, but still drives home my point. There is a gap in human knowledge, lets fill it with God or an intellegent being as a Creator.
Whats the big deal if we do?
Kate xx
like the three laws of planetary motion of J Keppler, the laws of motion of I Newton, the equations of A Einstein, all three believers in a Creator and Eternity-prologs
We are on the same page. Sorry didn't read your post until now
Kate xx
Captain Obvious
"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." ( Albert Einstein, 1954, The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press)
Einstein most certainly did NOT believe in god.