While it is true that the Watchtower harbors pedophiles and stifles its victims, it is also true that not every pedophile and sexual offender in the Watchtower got this same treatment. There are some sexual offenders who have been caught and expelled from the organization.
Is there any reason to think that some of them have not made their way to this forum? That these perpetrators are watching everything we say and do here on this board?
Many of us have stories concerning our exit from the organization that cannot be confirmed. There was one poster on here that said he was df'd for immorality and seeking reinstatement. Well, it occured to me that the 'immorality' might very well have been child molestation. How do we know or not?
It might be time to start thinking long and hard about a poster who comes to the board and engages in behavior that would not be considered appropriate in a public board or chat room. Posters, for example, obsessed with sex and who can't seem to keep their communications clean and on the forums where it belongs.
It may be cute and funny and amusing---but that isn't the issue. The issue is, this behavior needs to engaged in with willing participants. Many times on this forum, a person speaks up and says they are not a willing participant, and I have seen them get absolutely attacked for it. Why should I, for example, be banned from the chat room becasue I want a 'clean' place to talk?
The next thing, when confronted with someone who has problems expressing themselves with appropriate speech and subject matter, would be to ask where did they come from? They may claim they are ex-jehovah's Witnesses becausee of some legitimate reason---but we don't know that do we? Some of these individuals have stories and they have behavior that is very hard to reconcile.
Some individual claims they expereinced and witnessed sexual abuse when they were young. How can this person who allegedly went through all this then come storming onto the forum with a tremendous amount of nearly non-stop sexual content in the Friends forum and in the public chatroom? A person that does displays tremendous insensitivity to the feelings of others regarding this same behavior.
In other words, 'I was raped so I will rape others'. 'No one considered my feelings so I will not consider the feelings of others.'
This is EXACTLY the attitude of a sexual offender---past, present, and future.
I just think it unlikely that NO JW or ex-JW pedophile will find their way to this forum. I would imagine that there are a few here. And I also will imagine that over time, if they post, some of their mental gymnastics will be exposed to those of us with insight and a raised level of consciousness toward these issues.