Reading the LB thread "Home but Hiding" struck a chord with me.
I remember when I was inactive for the period of about a year the elders made a few "sheperding calls".
Did anyone else out there find these very rude and condescending?
First of all, in my case at least they always showed up unannounced. How much do you think those "hell-ders" would like it if someone randomly dropped by their house unexpected?
On top of that, to then expect the person being "sheperded" to drop whatever they are doing so they can listen to the elder "sheperding the flock" quote Bible scriptures to them, tell them what they are doing wrong in their life, pass judgement, and in the meantime take up an hour or more of the person's time.
Boy, for being "loving sheperds" they sure lacked the simplest of manners.
For example, while inactive I had an experience when I was in my parent's front yard planting flowers in the afternoon.
Brother D and Brother S pulled up unexpectedly in my driveway and smile at me, get out of the car and walk over while I am in the middle of working. You are damned if you do and damned if you dont here. They ask me if I have a minute, initially, I said no I was busy.
Brother S says "Your too busy to discuss God's Word? Since when did you get too busy for Jehovah's work?" Brother D nods in agreement. Why send two? Feels like they are ganging up on you.
Somehow I get the feeling if I had said no I wasn't busy they would have barreled right into their speech anyway.
To make a long story short, they asked what I was doing, why I wasn't attending the Hall, that they "missed" me, that they "needed" me in the congregation.. a "young, strapping brother could take the lead" etc etc.
I answered some questions, but was evasive on others.
Thinking on it after they left, something clicked.
If they missed me so..why no phone calls or social activities prior to that? I see it now, but being a good little Dub is the condition to be accepted by anyone.
Elders can be very subtly condescending.
Any similar experiences to share?
It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3