Have you watched the Gravity Movie yet? How did you like the movie?
by Iamallcool 11 Replies latest jw friends
Awesome, loved it
I was going to see it, then.....someone likened it to Castaway in space.
It was very good. I wish i would have sprung for 3D. I am sure it was even better.
Yes, and yes. Castaway in space? I would say the action was much faster. I very much appreciated the realism, especially the physics. (To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction). I had a visceral reaction to the frog. See the movie if you want to know what I mean.
My daughter loved the movie. She said that this movie has to be seen in 3D.
I saw it twice.
It was not just a movie. It was an extraordinary provocative experience.
The 3-D was magnificent.
I recommend the film to everybody of every age group.
The achievement in filmmaking is transcendant.
Wasanelder Once
Well, good ol'me being a wet blanket. She was totally unbelievable in the part. It was maudlin. It was silly and it was a monumentally predictable tale of survivor guilt. I know she looked incredibly beautiful in her space panties, but it takes more than that to make a movie. Didn't believe a minute of it. Sorry Terry, to each his own. I saw it in 3D by the way, totally distracting.
I really liked it. I felt like I was enveloped in a "movie experience." I didn't see it in 3D because 3D always gives me a headache, but I was still totally entertained and engrossed in the 2D version.
I saw it in IMAX.....unreal! Almost more than a movie!