I will let mrhhome express his own thoughts, though I would like to just throw in a few.
Academic standards to which all common core "signed up" states must adheare to must be met by at least 65% ( give or take I forgot the exact number) to recieve the highly generous funding. ( Which from other sources I have been reading and trying to conform say this funding doesn't all have to be used for education, fishy)
These standards mean preschoolers must pass a test requiring that they are reading. No room for those who learn at different paces, which is the reality in early childhood education. Other unhealthy, overly exaggerated, unrealistic, rigid testing standards exist for the other early childhood grades.
Then by the time high school testing happens, the standards are lowered to lower that what some states that were promised the standers were higher standards. The standards for many are now lower than before. This will help satifiy the promise ofthe CCSS program that all students will graduate. Is that better education? This is why in my previous link 17 other states previously " signing on" ( which requires only two peoples signatures by the way) are now rethinking that commitment.
Math teaching, for example, is taught in a highly convoluted time consuming way. It is correct just like the "old" math method was correct. ( though some of the estimating methods are not) Some people even prefer it. Ok I have no problem with introducing it as another alternative. The problem lies with the children being forced into ONE method only, and even if the answer is right, if the procedure to get there was wrong they fail the answer. Does that sound like a testing companies dream? To require a new math standard method to be taught, to produce those textbooks, and then to create the testing for those samerequired CCSS math testing standards.... what does that smell like to you?
The oversight for the standards for testing is inadequate and even harmful as expressed by one member of the oversite board whichis provided by numerous links above.
The volume of this issue is far too much for a single simple post, or at least it is for me to try to explain.
I believe Hrhhome will be better with that than I am.