I'm assigned to Twickenham (or would be)! I wonder if I know who it is!
Circuit Overseer who gave talk at Twickenham is DIsfellowshipped
by usualusername 62 Replies latest jw friends
I really do not see that a knowing a name is anything more than prurient interest.
I too may well have known the guy, but so what ? what he was done for may be of interest if it was sexual abuse or Apostasy, but not his name.
If you really must know his name, and cannot sleep without it, then P.M someone who knows, when they do.
To put a name on here is to demean JWN.
Its really not important to know the name of the person rather more so why he was DFed.
Its a bit rare for a CO to get DFed but there had to be a underlining reason.
It wouldn't be good just to reveal something about the situation unless there were established facts instead of weak hearsay.
Number one reason any jw gets df'd = immorality; I've known of 3 COs that were df'd, all dallying with pioneer sisters, one even had a sister in every congregation.
I know of a C.O. that was disfellowshipped for having an affair with a married sister in his circuit. This sister was also disfellowshipped. Both left their mates and married, were reinstated and are again active JW's (no longer in the circuit work).
I've known of 3 COs that were df'd, all dallying with pioneer sisters,
These men might be exploiting their position to get into the knickers of some the sisters,
the perceived power postion of these men probably enhances their self identify of themselves and maybe their libido as well.
if anybody wants to know his name PM me with your name ;-)
gossip gossip gossip
mind blown
I don't find that at all outlandish since one of the elders who DF me was later DF'd for embezzelment.....
I guess you could say a CO Or DO is a
Number one reason any jw gets df'd = immorality; I've known of 3 COs that were df'd, all dallying with pioneer sisters, one even had a sister in every congregation.
this thread is useless without the crime, how dare you titillate all of us?