Since the family members are getting older these days there are
only a small number of kids that still look forward for Santa Clause in
the family. So each year the older members (myself, brothers and sister)
end up exchanging gifts. Each year I tell my sister and brothers please don't
buy me a gift , I don't need anything. Xmas is for the kids. Each year
we end up exchanging gift cards and at the end of the day it is about the same
amount I spent on their gift cards. Now my nephews and nieces are giving me gifts
because they said , over the years I gave gifts to their kids when they were young.
It,s very stressful. I feel awful when gifts are exchanged and someone is left out.
As a whole my family is doing well (financially). I have gifts that I received two
years ago still in the box.
This year I will suggest, why not take the money that we spend on gifts and write
out a check to a worthy cause.
Any suggestion on a worthy cause, an organization where the funds would go
to those in need.