When I was an active Jdub, I seldom was able to do any converting, mostly becasue I never did the "Theocratic warfare" bit. I was raised as a JW, and my parents taught me to be honest and not lie, they were really sort of different Jdub parents. If someone asked me about the shunning I would tell them that yes we do shun those that have done wrongs or left, simple as that. I would get som e pretty strange reactions, but I would expline that it was due to them turning their back on Jehovah, although now I know that is not what it is, it is turning their backs on the WTS. The shunning and dishonesty is what really made me sick of the B-org, I just couldn't understand why they would shun someone when they were in their lowest time of life, to lose the only support medium that they have, their friends and relitives. I have been DF'd now for about 20 years, I have never been shunned by my parents, Jdub friends yes, but not family. Case in point, I now live in Guam, 180 degrees around the world from my family, but my mother always askes me to call her on a regualr basis. When I went back to the States on vacation last year we had a family reunion and even my one sister that is still an active Jdub came to the BBQ, talked with me and associated with me. We went to my mother's apartment and visited with her s few times, she welcomed and infact invited me ot come over.
I guess I'm getting a little off topic LOL. But, this whole shunning bit and theocratic warfare was really the Biggest reason I left, I just couldn't buy it.