Reality is the Cod Liver Oil we must take in order to purge or intestinal track and stay healthy. The opposite (fantasy, escapism, etc) is like the ice-cream cone with everything on it that will give us cavities and a tummy ache. Oh, but is it ever so good!
What does it take to break the ache?
by Terry 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Reality hits harder, when you have carefully avoided it for most of your life, as jws are taught to do.
Great topic, Terry - always love your posts when I have time to read. Oh, reality -- I have no respect for reality and can't remember who used to say that maybe some comedian.
No, I really try to acknowledge and accept reality and have to say it's brought me to my knees more than once then to start questioning existence of God and a spiritual realm (which there's no evidence for to borrow Cofty's words) makes it difficult at times. Religion is truly another addiction/escape and I wonder if it's positives (mainstream religion) really gives one perfect blood pressure like in Joyce Meyers' life. I've heard a couple of them preach it saves your health but if it's not reality and you're living a fantasy/lie how can that help one.
La la land sounds pretty good right now w/these holidays on the horizon and my fantasies of how everything should be.
Too much reality is too much all at once. I try to pace myself with reality in between beers.
and lexapro