I just found out my sister in law gives each pioneer $50.00 every month to help cover their gas. She wont take a .99 cent chapstick from me and when ever I attempt to do something for her she pitches a fit. And my hubby still has the nerve to say that those who do not believe in their so called truth are not treated any differently than those who do believe. What a crock of bologni.
Unflipping believeable
by KariOtt 12 Replies latest jw friends
Well, some people are like that. She is trying to pay her way in with the self righteous members of her hall.
I guess that's not case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing..I found many jws found ways to let it slip. At least they are not blowing trumpets in the public byways...
Only donating to pioneers, not poor jws that are struggling keep roof and food but still managing to get 10 hours in???? I take it she doesn't pioneer and rides on the pioneer efforts? If she doesn't pioneer, what's her reason.
blondie....she goes out in service 2 days a week for about 10 hours a week. It takes a toll on her since she's in a wheelchair. She wants a new handicap van. She gives enough money a way to the pioneers every month equal to a very large car payment. She is penny wise but dollar foolish. I have given up on telling her to quit being thrifty. If she wants to skimp on her medication and stay in pain then so be it.
So misguided. What a pity!
so kari, no meetup today huh?
"a fool and his money are soon parted"
old axiom....
nonjwspouse...no one confirmed so I went shopping in Chattanooga instead.
nonjwspouse I sent you a pm
I don't give a red cent to the Pios or the KH. I know a pioneer that eats lunch at a store where they give out free samples. The free samples are his lunch.
I never gave them money for gas. Hey! It's the life they chose. lol