Could there really be something to the UFO phenomena? Amazing documentary

by yadda yadda 2 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's easy to just poo-poo the UFO thing, especially if you're naturally very skeptical after your JW experience as I am, but when you see documentary's like this it seems undeniable that some kind of inexplicable phenomenon is occuring.

    Could vehement deniars of the UFO phenomenon please suspend their criticisms until they've at least watched the whole documentary, to be fair to others who are more open-minded on this subject.

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    A number of years ago the WT made a statement in an article during Christmas time that the star of bethlehem was in fact a UFO. They didn't spell out the word UFO but they said it was manifestation of some being.

  • metatron

    Both Judaism and Christianity may have been started by Aliens. The evidence is circumstantial but compelling, I think.

    You have a glowing "star" that "stood above" where Jesus was - a UFO by definition - and stood above means 'hovering'.

    In Judaism, the Israelites are led by a pillar of cloud by day and a glowing pillar of fire by night. In other words, a classic cigar-shaped UFO.

    The above is partly why I think the subject of God and the Bible is often subject to a fallacy of excluded choices - atheism or God - with nothing in between.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I believe that there probably is something out there besides us.

    I wish extraterrestrials would abduct me in the next 36 hours and give me a complete understanding of quantum physics so that I'd be fully prepared for my exam on Monday and beyond. And if any ETs are reading this, I'm willing to endure any manner of probing in order to become smarter... and I do mean ANY!

  • 5go

    I hold believers in ETL to the same level I hold believers in God too. Show me real hard evidence not some horrible footage or barely credible evidence.

  • blondie

    For Billy

  • AlphaMan

    The techology, time & distance for aliens to reach earth is too great.

    Practically everyone worldwide carrys a phone with a video camera, yet there is still not undisputable proof of aliens.

    Probably similar life on other earthlike planets. They just can't get to us and we can't get to them.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Classic easy dismissal by 5go...didn't watch the video obviously.

    You can't tell me that all these pilots, military personnel, generals, scientifically trained people, etc, just saw products of their imagination. There's definitely something strange going on.

  • chapstick

    Is there any reason not to believe that the universe isn't teeming with advanced societies? This planet has essentially been under quarantine due to the fact that it was invaded and turned into a slave planet over 10,000 years ago. We are ALL slaves. Some of us house slaves with comparative freedom, but slaves no less. Even the monetary system was designed as a means to extract wealth and resourses from the planet, not take care of and advance the population. The legal system is a system designed to control and regulate commerce, not provide guidelines for living entities. We are considered nothing but commercial goods, resourses and machines manipulated to be used for the extraction of wealth. Any and all information about life elsewhere as well as who and what we really are has been strictly controlled by our slave masters and their human political and religious cronies. We have chemically controlled amnesia, diseminated through controlling our genetics, the food supply, pharmacuticals and high frequency radiation. We have literally been held for ransom for generations inside a tiny box located inside a galaxy teaming with life. This is the dim "veil" referred to in the Bible. If you want to know just how advanced the rest of the nearby universe is just imagine life in the year 5774, the actual date. The population here is actually living 3700 years in the past. The truth has purposely been conceiled from the masses and the story hidden through alegory in the biblical and other religious traditions and the actual truth known only by a very small minority. Most of the history and reality we all accept as fact is only an artificial construct, a lie. Much of what we see in movies and TV "science fiction" is in fact very true and is puposely diseminated to prepare the population for disclosure in the coming months and years. Remember, the actual truth is hidden in plain sight for anyone to see. Most people just won't or can't accept the fact that nrarly everything they have ever known is a lie, therefore keeping themselves in a state of bondage. To open the box we are enslaved in only requires opening your mind first, opening your mind to who and what we really are. Even Jesus gave it to us from the horses mouth "Are ye Not gods?" Do you not consider yourself the offspring or creation of the Prime Source or GOD? Ask yourself, what would you call the offspring of GOD? Gods of course...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    That would just be my luck. Shortly after I finally get my degree next year, the aliens will disclose themselves with all their technology and my education will be obsolete.

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