Planting Seeds--Plants Do Not Grow Overnight

by blondie 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Thanks everyone for your experiences. I actually had 2 failed attempts to leave...still believing that a few individuals were the problem. By the third time I r ealized that the whole organization was corrupt. I do believe that my access to info on the internet made all the difference and reading Ray Franz' books.

    I have an inactive jw friend that was still stuck in the dogma but doubting and had several years of events that confirmed what he read in Ray's books too. It has freed him as well and he is living a freer life mentally.

    He is now part of the Leave and Never Go Back Club.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Thanks blondie , words of wisdom indeed . How timely are your reminders !

    Definitely applicable to me also!

    Im so grateful that i live in the information age, i dont know how anyone escaped wtland before the internet!

  • nonjwspouse

    It is so hard to wait for the JW to begin to wake up, if they do. I have finally, finally, learned how to plant seeds correctly, not to bring up the WT or JW during those plantings. Not to have conversations of my own instigation about the JW, and try not to say much at all if my husband brings them up. I just keep comparing parallel issues of mind control, information contro,l behavior control, etc, that are of other origions than the WT, watch him agree wiht me, then.... his face begins to change as I know this is is his mind going "there" to the JW, he then gets very uncomfortable, and waits for me to begin in on the JW, which now I never do. His own mind goes there without my direction and I see the dissonence all over his face. The conversation then stops and the seed then has been planted and not overwatered. Water occasionally, plant again later, and just make sure you keep tending to the soil showing unconditinal love and care, regularly. I have learned a lot in this past 3 years. Even learning how to correctly approach ttatt with a JW takes paitence and time. I screwed up big time a for a while, pushing information, rapid fire quetions he could not answer. It brought out a particularly nasty JW side of him that I lothe to ever see again.

    Now, not only has he stopped attending meetings and stopped the bible study ( I fully expect him to return to them at least for a while sometime) He is now finally reading a Bible occasionally, and not even the NWT, but the 1611 KJV with the restored name. He is VRY slow abou this and may stop investigating or reading. I feel he has the syndrome of a lazy faith that is too much work to change. To change a belief is a LOT of work. He may not want to work and go ahead and get baptised, I don't know.

    I am curious, what is the site really all about. Is it really unaltered historical WT documents? The site claims full belief and cooperation with the WT. I found out he visited that site the other day. I think that is a good thing, but to know where to look is like a needle in a haystack. I know him, and being presented with with tons of publications with no direction of where to look for what you want to read, he will give up even looking at it. If only he will become curious and allow me to suggest specific publications, pages, information to look for. We will see.

  • Phizzy

    I agree that for most, certainly for me, it was a long process really. Like "AnnOmalley" above, I was born in, lots did not add up over the years, and gradually there was more and more I simply could not swallow.

    Even when I had decided I could no longer go in F.S and teach falsehoods, it was still almost two years before I finally walked away.

    One Elder ,after I had left, said to me , "Well, you never were a 100% JW", he meant that as a derogatory comment, I said "Thank you for that", and meant it, that was a compliment as far as I was concerned !

    But how much harder it must be for the "100%" JW to wake up and leave !

    We never know when the seeds we have planted will germinate though, do we ?

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    I get impatient with people who refuse to think for themselves. I can't help it. I am a know-it-all, so you should really just listen to me!

    (That is what I am thinking, when I speak to my JW robot family members)

    It is particularly frustrating, because my husband and I discovered TTATT, before we jumped into the pool. We investigated it carefully, listened to our teachers and studied the publications, even attended meetings regularly for over a year. It honestly did not take a lot of evidence to knock down their house of cards for us, once we started looking directly at the WTS itself.

    We asked our teacher our questions, and he crossed his arms and refused to answer or acknowledge them. He revealed HIMSELF that day. He was lying, and we knew it. The evidence he brought back the next week, was a typewritten transcript of an article from pre-1975. Bogus. We awoke with a start. I was bawling afather he left. How could they Deny facts? Realizing that our "friends" were not actually motivated by love, but fear of the org itself, It hit me so suddenly. We immediately stopped attending meetings. We knew we were lying to our "friends" by showing up and making our babies be quiet during their fear-inducing indoctrination sessions.

    Sadly, they did succeed in training us in many ways. We did not want to "stumble" anyone's progress in their faith! It took me a few years to recover from the lies, before I realized the true NATURE of this organization. By then, it was too late. My supposedly thinking parents, the very ones who raised me to think for myself, had submitted themselves to serving the Borg and chasing that carrot. (Thank you, Blondie! You have your finger right on the pulse of this issue).

    While I was free from the control that had taken over our lives, my family was being told how evil I was. I was now a servant of satan. Since I wasn't listening, I didn't realize the lies that they were being fed about me and my innocent children. While we were licking our wounds, they were building walls around my extended family.

    This healing process is taking much longer for me than I expected. It really is still shocking to see how far away the minds of my parents now reside. The twisted things that come out of the mouth of my father... Unbelievable. He actually believes these absurdities. They have chosen a new family, and they need to stay inside the narrow lines, or it all crumbles. Hopefully someday they will wake up, but I don't know what it will take.

    Good thread... Many of us are impatiently waiting for loved ones to hear the sirens that are going off. How can they NOT see this new light?? It is a beacon. A spotlight. A searchlight. Come to the light, people! The Borg is being exposed, and it's true nature is shining so brightly for everyone to see. Open your eyes. Escape!

  • gingerbread

    Thanks Blondie for your honest and balanced take on the fading/leaving process. Your well researched posts and heartfelt comments have done much to assist me (and our family) in our journey out of the religion.

    Early on during my examination of my concerns about my faith, I was most turned off by strongly opinionated (militant) anti-Watchtower posters - and those who want to fight and argue.

    Comments from you - and others - that were reasonable is what helped us.


  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    +1 gingerbread.

  • KiddingMe


  • TweetieBird

    Great post, Blondie (as usual).

    To IloveTTATT-my dad was the first one to awaken in my family and he tried to show me ttatt but I was like your mom. I was actually relieved when he died because I felt like Jehovah would forgive his apostasy and resurrect him. However, after he died, little by little the things he shared with me started to sink in and my own awakening happened. That was 16 years ago.

    My brother is the only other one in my family that listened to my dad (actually he started leaving before my dad). My husbands whole family are still die-hard JWs who are saddened by our leaving. I don't even try to talk to them anymore about ttatt. After a while, you build a life outside of the organization and the freedom that you feel outweighs the sadness. I love my family but I don't have anything in common with them anymore.

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