Stands for true worship...
Calling JW's the "True Religion" , is the same as saying I have the "one and only haircut".
Religion is a man made devise that Jesus was not fond of according to his teachings regarding the religion he was born into.
You are suggesting accurate and reliable information can only be found on I would say that is true to an extend. Much soft peddled information is certainly there. However, no critical analsis of any doctrines or teachings is ever listed or allowed. I mean, you had annonymous people, eradicate 13% of words in acripture, and didn't even submit what the changes were? If the society has nothing to hide, why is it not more honest and forthright about its mistakes? Satan didn't set up this website you are on and commenting on now (of which you are welcome to do and I am glad you are here). Simon did, because he wanted to help others that suffered as they left and were shunned.
You cannot call yourself the truth and then lie......even a little. Is it your summation that all non sites do not have accurate information?
Trust is earned through telling the truth, and honest dealing. Trust cannot be demanded and still maintain its virtue.