It depends on how much fire power you have to fight off the opposing armies of starving people. There's nothing wrong with being prepared, I am a big fan of Mat Stein and have most of his books on Survival. I was reading Survival Guides back in 1970s when we thought Russia was going to invade the United States from all the propaganda put out by the radical zealot End Day's Con Artist. I bought a place out in the middle of No Where and hunters found my place, people will find who has a large stock pile of goods and pillage your fortess, it's a fact Mad Max!
Life will see out the resources needed to survive, you can always buy a Bunker out in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, out in the desert condos are foresale for $250,000 to $1,000,000 with five years worth of food. What will life be like, will it be worth living knowing some very hungry people are going to seek any way to steal your food and life? I think life would be sickening for most, let's hope this claimity does not happen and you are not eaten by cannibals. The Rich Power Brokers are not going to turn the World upside down yet, unless you are part of the group who teaches that the Rich Illumanati will kill off 6 Billion people with a T-Virus, a fun end ey?