If so or he did at anytime before or after his death please if you can provide scriptures. I may need these for ammo when two elders come to my home this week. Thanks
Did Jesus abolish the temple priesthood at his death????
by Crazyguy 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
No. He was a Jewish rabbi who observed the Law and instructed his followers to do likewise. They continued to worship at the Temple and in synagogues until they were thrown out.
Christianity was a Jewish sect.
(Daniel 9:27) 27 “And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease.. . .
(Matthew 27:50, 51) 50 Again Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and yielded up [his] spirit. 51 And, look! the curtain of the sanctuary was rent in two, from top to bottom, and the earth quaked, and the rock-masses were split.
No! Jesus didn't abolish the temple sacrifices and the priesthood that served there.
It was the Roman army that abolished the priesthood and got rid of the temple by 70 CE.
The Roman Emperor Hadrian re-built Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina, as a Roman city, around 130CE. Hadrian included temples for local Gods (not sure about Yahweh) and all the Roman Gods, most importantly Jupiter Capitolinus. And, I'm not sure if he included a temple for the cult of his deified boyfriend Antinous. The Antonius cult was one of the most popular in the empire. I have a feeling that the Jesus cult became popular because lots of ordinary people couldn't tell the difference between Antoniuos and Jesus. Both were presented as somewhat effeminate.
The Antinous cult became very popular, there are probably more statues of him that any other Roman/Greek figure.
The Jews still hadn't learned that Jupiter Capitolinus was a more important God than Yahweh, and they rebelled again (the Bar Khokhba rebellion). The Romans had been a bit patient with teh Jews, but they had now had enough, and savagely suppressed the rebellion. Hadrain then expelled all Jews from Jerusalem and banned circumcision, and banned circumcised people from entering Jerusalem. If they did they were killed.
Here's a map of Roman Jerusalem, you can see the main street, the cardo maximus, running left to right across the diagram.
So for another time, Yahweh proved unable to defend the city.
Hebrews chapters 9 and 10
(Daniel 9:27) 27 “And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease.. . .
That has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus at all. It relates to a period about 200 years earlier. It was only later co-opted by Christians as a so-called 'messianic prophecy' about 'Jesus'.
(Matthew 27:50, 51) 50 Again Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and yielded up [his] spirit. 51 And, look! the curtain of the sanctuary was rent in two, from top to bottom, and the earth quaked, and the rock-masses were split.
There's no evidence that ever actually happened.
Galations 3 v 10-24 is particularly relevant
Also try Galations 2 v14-16
Acts 13v 39
Acts 15 v24
Acts 15 v 19-21
Acts 21v25
The law never applied to gentiles anyway, only Jews.
Also, the new testament cancels out the old, as with a will.
Gentiles were not allowed into the Temple anyway so Gentile believers needed their own Temple for want of a better description . JWs would be counted as Gentiles so need the Temple of Christ's body and Him as High Priest .I can't give scriptures for that exactly but I hope that you get my meaning .
I ask this because the jw,s are told that the 144k represent the priestly class and were to be led by these, but if I can show that Jesus abolished the temple priest class or any other discription of a priest group over men scripturaly then there's just more nails in the coffin.
Theologically speaking, I thought the temple veil ripping in 2 after Jesus' death signified the elimination of a priestly class. Thus, making YWHW available to all who seek him. This website touches on it a bit, http://www.gotquestions.org/temple-veil-torn.html