Is it the young ones only that go from door to door?
Do all Mormons go from door to door?
by jam 14 Replies latest jw friends
Only the young men I believe, I have heard they go for 2 years, and thats it. Before they go to college, not like the dubs!
Young women also go door to door, but not as often as the men. My Daughter in law was on a mission when she realized she didn't actually believe the things she was telling people. I have also had young woman come to my door. I had someone accuse me of lying because when I lived in Colorado I had more Mormons than JWs come to my door, but it was the truth. There are very few JWs in Colorado, per capita, compared to other areas, but plenty of Mormons.
Thanks folks. That's neat. So you spend two years knocking on doors and
then retire. I was thinking I have never seen an old person in service.
What if you became a Mormon as a adult (30-40 years old), you never have
to go out in service???
I saw two young men the other day. It cracked me up because they had badges that said Elder Smith and Elder Jones. Come on, they looked about 20. I know they mean spiritually as opposed to chronological years, but I have a hard time thinking of them as "elders" in any sense of the word.
It reminded me too much of the JWs, and the belief that any male, no matter how old, is automatically more qualified to do anything in the congregation than any female, no matter how well qualified.
Both males and females go on a 1 year mission. A lot of times older males and females also go. The missionarys are 100% funded by their family. If the misionary is going to a forein country then they recieve language and custom training for 6 months in Utah before starting their 1 year mission. Most are younger as their parents support them. They are allowed to start college before as they have to be at least 19 to go on a mission.
I have chatted with several young Mishy LDS guys, they all seem like great kids, though deluded like JW kids.
The last one I was talking to, after I had posed several hard questions to him, said his brother back home in the U.S was asking the same questions. I guess they have a youth retention problem too.
It seems the WT follows the LDS lead in many things, and the LDS has wound down its DtoD activity in recent years, but still shows healthy growth if their figures are to be believed.
JW's will be door knocking a lot less in future, doing more "Trolley" based work etc, which is all to the good, far less likely to make converts.
An acquaintance was invited over to a Mormon's house, thought it was a social gathering. When he got there it was two Mormon elders with a flip-board.
You can imagine how he felt.
I'd say Mormons are a little more creative in their recruiting techniques.
When I was at my sister-in-law's, two Mormon sisters were going door-to-door. The one sister would not take my "no" for an answer and was the most forceful sales person I have ever come across. She did all but shove her foot in the door. She was preaching through the door crack as I was closing it. Come on now! I was pushing her out of a home that wasn't even my own!
average jw 8 hours a month/96 hours/year = 188 hours in 2 years
average LDS 6 hours a day/180 hours/month =2160 hours/yr = 4320 hours in 2 yrs
4320/96 = approx 43 years (please correct my LDS numbers if you the policies)
I see Mormon missionaries all the time here in Taiwan, mostly pairs of young men on their bikes, but I've seen women a few times, too.
Funny story: A couple of months ago a couple of foreign Mormon elders, who must have been all of 20 years old, stopped and greeted me. Instead of introducing themselves with their English names—like John Smith & David Jones—or even with the Chinese names printed on their badges—like Lin Jian-Guo & Gao Jia-Li—they used literal English translations of their Chinese names.
It went something like this:
"Hello. My name is Forest Establish Nation, and this is my friend Tall Auspicious Plum."
That might work if you're Native-American, but for a couple of white guys in Taiwan it sounded completely ridiculous and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing in their faces.
I do usually stop and chat a bit with them if I have the time, as I'm always impressed by their Chinese ability. In contrast, even after being out for 14 years, I still feel uncomfortable when I see JWs out in service and try to avoid them.