Do you give thanks for every meal or do you thank GOD once for the whole day of meals??? Is thanking GOD for every meal Scriptural or something that came along in early Christianity ??
Do you give thanks for every meal?
by bruh 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
good question. ummm. (bookmarking)
It is good to be thankfull, seeing all the effort that went into feeding us, now deliciously and abundantly, even if that effort did not necessarily involve a personal tinkering God or Creator,
only a beginning provider, hidden maker.
Giving thanks really to the cook and the chain as far back as it reaches.
If you thank god you give him credit for providing your food. He therefore also gets the blame for the starving.
Can't have it both ways.
My muslim friend said he gives thanks at the end of the meal, because you could get killed before you are finished eating. ( I kid you not) Was he serious? I don't really know. He wasn't practicing much, if at all, unless his parents flew over to visit back when I knew him.
When god goes to work to help pay for it I will thank him, until then he can fuck off. LOL
At home we would never "give thanks" "say grace", "ask a blessing" or whatever. But when I was in theological college grace was always said prior to tucking into our meal in the dining hall. For the evening meal there would be about fifty or more diners (other colleges joined us) and when we were ready to start, the catering manager who had prepared the meal would walk up to one of the seated diners and place a small handbell in front of them. That meant you were the one who would say grace. So, if you get the bell, you stand, ring the bell to bring the chattering crowd to order and then say grace in whatever style you preferred. And then we all tucked in to the food.
Then, at the end of the meal, we had another acknowledgment to the almighty. The person who had been picked by the catering manager would stand and give thanks once again, but this time it always followed the same pattern. You would say, "Let us bless the Lord," to which the satisfied diners would respond with, "Thanks be to God." And then we would all rush off to whatever we we planning to do next.
I really loved that routine. Even now as barely any sort of believer, I miss that. (It's a bit different from JW style prayers though - which I don't miss at all!)
jw style prayers: use 'Jehovah' every second line.
Worst memory in this regard was a conv where the final prayer(that finally ended) the person used 'Jehovah' a score of times. What was that Jesus said about some who say the same things over and over that they may be heard by their volume of words?
Someone please find me the quote.
I don't pray before meals... I just burp at the end of them. ;)
Frazzled UBM
My wife had some of her Witness friends over for dinner and I cooked up a barbeque and when the food was ready I called 'dinner is served come and get it' at which Mrs Wtiness says haughtily 'Can't we say grace first?' at which I demurred then Mr Witness did his whole 'Thank you Jehovah' BS in English even though the native language of all the Witneses there was Tagalog and my son and I were the only native English speakers - so the point was to rub it in opur faces. I keep on replaying this scene in my head going why the hell didn't I say 'We don't usually say grace in my house but if you insist on giving thanks you can give thanks to me for paying for the food and cooking it.'