struck with that double virus.
WT's 2 BOE Letters Flip-Flop!
by JW GoneBad 37 Replies latest jw experiences
About 15-16 years ago, i printed out the Bible verses from the WT study,
to take with me to make the study easier
i had 4 children and often by myself at the meetings, so i thought this would
be so cool and easier for me
well, not so, lol, i was immediately counselled from the BOE about the use of net, etc
Amelia Ashton
I was told not to read my Bible from my computer because I wouldn't get holy spirit unless it was "The Book" version
As a lowly single mum with depression I didn't think I qualified for it in the first place.
I think there is only one reason why they would "approve"... it costs a lot less money if all the bro's and sisters are using downloaded material. Think about millions of watchtowers less to print.
Avoid distracting noises... have hard copy backups...
Sounds like advice to young children.
Do they think they have to tell JWs EVERYTHING?
Sorry... rhetorical question.
Its not a flip flop but more of what jw07 stated, the GB didnt realize how prevalant tablet useage has become and prices (for Android tabs anyway) are at rock bottom so it isnt unreasonable to have at least 1 tablet if not more in a family. Speaking from a use prespective I love love using my tablet at the meetings, it makes it more bearable.
How do they prevent the audience from surfing the internet during the meeting? Are there monitors that watch for this? Is there a screen you can put on your iPad that prevents others from seeing your screen from an angle?
Can't wait to see their reaction when the R&F start appearing at the KH wearing Google Glass.
I can only imagine what they will be viewing at the KH!