Is there any site that has the assembly resolutions for download?
Assembly resolutions - did anyone ever take them seriously?
by LogCon 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Resolution :
1 - A resolving to do something.
2 - A course of action determined or decided on.
3 - A formal statement of a decision adopted by an assembly.
I remember some if them and thinking they were stupid even before I was questioning anything. My mom would always look and make sure I clapped or said "aye".
I had forgotten about those. What did they say? I vagely recall them doing such things in the last-talk fervor when they'd clap every few minutes, and thinking, WTH--we already believe these things.
Pants of Righteousness
Always thought these were rather pointless. One year there were 7 resolutions back to back, mainly involving the Revelation book. They were mostly long winded and I'm sure by the time they got to the 6 or 7th they would have already forgotten the earlier ones. I think they were later published in the Watchtower.
Of course, any resolution was a fait accompli and more about emotion and groupthink.
It`s like a Vote at a Kingdom Hall..
Nothing is discussed..Everybody says yes..
Motion is Passed..WBT$ JW Life goes on..
Julia Orwell
Totally. I remember them being a big hype at the time but they were never for anything new, just a bunch of hype to make you feel connected to the organisation.
Hide something major in a lengthy resolution that contains 6 or 7 main parts and put the potential whopper in the middle of one of those main points, never in front. Everything but the target resolution seems to make sense, and the target is not enforced at first. Wait several years, then put out a washtowel that now makes the target resolution binding. You never know what, or when, something will be banned this way. And it will not be taken seriously, or even acknowledged, until that washtowel study article comes out.
Was it a resolution that was adopted to send letters of protest to the govt.of Malawi against the brutal treatment of our brothers and sisters ?
Addressed to IDI AMIN and his ministers ?
I participated in this .
And wasn`t their another one against a Dr. Banda also in africa ?
I participated in that one also