Shadow asked- So how was it again that your photoreceptors hooked up with the brain and optic nerve?
The optic nerve itself is an extension OF the brain, and the retinal cells inside the eye represent an outgrowth OF the brain; that's precisely why the optic nerve is called a "nerve" (cranial nerve II). In fact, interesting factoid is the optic nerve is the only part of the brain than is directly observable with relatively-simple hand-held instrumentation (a device called an ophthalmoscope) vs having to imagine the brain via an MRI/CT scan.
Direct observation of the optic nerve is often important when diagnosing brain conditions such as mass-occupying tumors or brain infections, where the optic nerves can easily be seen to be bulging outwards (in most patients, they're normally like belly buttons, i.e. 'innies') since the intracranial pressure rises inside the skull but the nerve tissue is forced to bulge into the vitreous cavity of the eyeball. The condition is known as 'papilledema', and presents with a very distinct appearance, depending on whatever underlying condition is causing it (the list of known causes is long, and requires a lengthy work-up via the process of elimination to find the actual cause and treatment).
Shadow asked- The only thing crazier than believing in a creator is not believing in one
You're clearly a believer, so I'm sure you're willing to put your $$$ and life where your faith is, and next time you have a problem with brain seizures from some unknown cause, you'll simply pray to Jehovah, then?
JWs die for their denial and ignorance, as is their right. The ironic thing is, JWs are just as subject to the rules of natural selection as anyone else, whether they understand or accept those beliefs or not. It's not like a belief in Gods, where NOT believing in a fantasy God is harmless; believing in a God is downright deadly at times.