saw an opening?
If we look at Christianity it appears that Pauls teaching are what formulate it and not Jesus. Paul often contradicts the words that are "supposedly" spoken by Jesus repeatedly. Looking at the books Paul wrote his gives shout outs to random people / homies for no reason. Do we really believe that a GOD would sanction this?
Christianity as instructed by Christ was simple... "Paulinity" or what Paul wrote seems to be just a slightly diff version of Judaism - aka Judaism light.
PJesus made things simple but Paul brings in a low level form of Judaism.... a bunch of unnecessary rules similar to what he no doubt learned at the feet of Gamaliel(sp).
THe moer you look at the bible the less inspired it appears to be. How can one be a CHristian yet follow the words and teaching of someone that contradict what Jesus wrote. Wouldn't one think that the Messiahs words would be enough. AFterall he is the son of GOD - why wwould he need another person to further excplain what he wanted to express?