Suggested Contribution Rate 1 Cor 16:2

by jonahstourguide 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jonahstourguide

    Yes Julia Orwell, I would have thought an envelope would have been more in line with not displaying showy means etc etc.

    However, sadly, I did in fact check american, mexican, japanese, russian, arabic, german, and even humble little ol Myanmar,,,,

    they've all got the same pic.

    On another note, congs in oz have this week voted on constitutions individually so they qualify for "charitable organisation" benefits.

    A couple of politicians have been lobbying for changes in the tax laws to catch out the churches of Scientology and Jehovahs Witnesses

    as the politicians don't reckon they contribute to society due to their "extreme" practices.

    As you say Phizzy, two Leptons should be heaps.

  • Jeffro

    Julia Orwell:

    I've seen that $50 in a number of Watchtowers these last few years. I assumed the Australian wt would have our $50, the American ones would have their $50. the Japanese their equivalent of $50 and so on and so forth so it was an amount all JWs could identify the large amount.

    There is only one English version of the Watch Tower. There isn't a separate image for Australia. Whilst it's true that images in JW magazines are sometimes different for different languages (e.g. certain language editions depict people primarily of the target ethnicity rather than white people*), there is no country-specific targeting in editions of the same language. (And they always use so-called 'US English' instead of proper English.)
    *Compare the English and Ewe covers of the January 2014 Watchtower:


    That picture will have the subliminal effect of making JW's feel guilty if they put in a smaller bill, or just a widows "coin of small value".

    Only for readers who recognise it as AU$50 at all. There's no instrinsic meaning that will subliminally 'instruct' readers unfamilar with the currency to donate any particular amount, other than possibly that notes are preferred to coins. But that's kind of obvious anyway.

  • blondie

    I wonder what the suggested contribution was in the first century and why if contributions are "anonymous" that anyone could see how much any jw was putting in the contribution box. In many subtle ways the WTS is showing how desperate they are for cash. Stopping charging for the publications from the jws and the public, slaughtered their cash cow. Even selling off their properties is just a temporary fix, a one time cash influx. I wonder how many more types of cash REMINDERS, they will come up with?

  • respectful_observer


    Old Light....

    NuLite TM !!!

  • blondie

    Of course, the widow was a Jew not a Christian.

  • jwfacts

    The Aussie Dollar is the most attractive. The US ones all look the same to me. They'll be using the green AUD$100 bill soon enough for these photos.

  • blondie
  • jonahstourguide

    I wish i could agree Jeffro, that there is no basic meaning that will subliminally instruct readers unfamiliar with

    the currency depicted to donate a particular amount. And it is true and obvious that notes are preferred to coins as they were in Jesus' day .

    However, the lowest denomination note with a yellow tinge in Ewe speaking countries is 500 francs. Given the average wage over there pays approximately 182 francs per hour, that represents app.2.8 hours work. compare that to average wages in western countries and you'll find that equals around $75,, still representative of a large amount.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    The accounts report in the local congregation was read for the month of October (midwest rural US).

    130 pubs, about 100 attend most meetings, let's say 90 or so of those 100 attendees have a new bible.

    They usually donate to the world wide word about 400-500 a month, but in October they donated 1300, so one can infer that they put in about 900 to cover the new Bible.

    900/90 = $10, which is an estimate of how much each one in this congregation put in for the new NWT.

    Of course there are other places and ways to make donations, but it gives an idea of the paltry amount most are putting in.

  • Jeffro


    However, the lowest denomination note with a yellow tinge in Ewe speaking countries is 500 francs.

    So? Are you suggesting that there is some worldwide trend for notes of 'high' value to be remotely similar in colour to Australia's $50??

    The fact that I arbitrarily chose Ewe for a language edition that uses black people instead of white people in images has absolutely nothing to do with any coincidences regarding the colour of the bank notes in Togo.

    In any case, 500 CFA francs equals about US$1.03, and is about 1.4% of the minimum monthly wage in Togo.

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