Family worship Ideas

by DS211 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DS211

    Ok guys im getting sick of sitting around.

    i read an article submitted on freeminds called

    How I helped my Family Leave Jehovah's Witnesses

    Ok so in light of this i need some advice. If you were starting a family worship night (keep in mind my wife has been complaining that i havent been doing it much) what topics should i present as to get her to think. My daughters are 4 and 1.5 so they wont care what we talk about haha but my wife will. So please keep in mind im playing the part of a JW dad whos going to be finding these things out too. In the article they used the "these are the things you may face out there and you need to know how to repond". I think i will also tell my wife she cannot use the WT library...but well see.

    ok any ideas??


  • DS211


  • pronomono

    I'm like you, still trying to figure out how to introduce topics in Family Worship Night, or rather begin having a Family Worship Night and not send up apostate red flags in the process. I like how ILoveTTATT does it. See post below.

    He focuses on using just the Bible in Family Worship, and makes some good deductions from just the scriptures.

    My wife is somewhat aware of my position, but not to the full degree. When I start our family worship night, I'm going to open it along the lines of "How can we believe in something that we have never read. I've never read the Bible fully. It's entirely too long. But now that the FDS has reduced the Bible by 13%, we don't have any excuse anymore." Then I'm just going to focus on the scriptures. I'm going to set this as a clearly defined goal, have discussion about what we read, and not deviate to the Wt propaganda.

  • pronomono

    In line with your thought though, it would be nice if there was an online resource for us ex-JWs (in heart) to use in helping our families that provides a linear discussion of the Bible (at least Acts - Revelation) and provides questions for critical thinking that exposes JW thinking versus TTATT. So for anyone that has the ability to do such, i.e. has the knowledge, such a project would be very beneficial to our community. I saw a resource where this was done for the book "What Does The Bible Really Teach" and wish that I had this when we last studied it at the congregation.

  • martini time
    martini time

    Hi, I am disfellowshiped, just out about 7 months ago. If you are doing a family worship from jw pubs, its hard for me to suggest a book/topic because they are very careful. However if you want to do a family study for the purpose of helping her to think I like these following scriptures. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8, also which is the key scripture 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3. The account in 1 Thessalonians is when Paul spoke to that congregation about "the end". He gave signs, and also reiterated that it would come in the their in the night. The witnesses are an eschatological religion, in which they say Armageddon is right around the corner. This is confirmed by their outright saying it as well as their teaching of the overlapping generation spoken of in Matthew. (Jesus never mentioned or even alluded to an overlapping generation). Then highlight the scriptures in 2 Thessalonians. Again this scripture in 2 Thessalonians is key. In Pauls second letter to the Thessalonians he counseled them because they took what Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5 and began teaching that the "lords day was upon them" he counseled them to not do this, and go be very careful with teaching this because as he said in verse 3 of 2 Thessalonians 2: "let know one seduce you in any matter, because it will not come [speaking of the end] unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction" NWT 1984 edition. This scripture doesn't make sense and can be taken out of context if you don't read 1 Thessalonians 5 then 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8. These verses go together. After you read them it is as clear as day (at least for me) that the witnesses are teaching what is spoken of in 1 Thessalonians. This teaching which serves as a warning is used to manipulate people in the organization that the end is near (2 overlapping Generations is a perfect example). The follow up scripture clearly shows that the teaching of this is actually apostasy and that Jehovah's day will not come until that apostasy gets revealed. Which if you believe in God, trust the bible....their apostasy will be revealed.

  • DS211

    Thanks martini and pro--i was thinking of just reading the NT and tell her to let the Bible interpret itself and we should reach the same conckusion as the society, right? Lol but i like the thessalonians isea too

  • pronomono

    Good deductions Martini. For me, I'm hesitant to focus in on particular scriptures as the basis for study. It gives the appearance that you have preconceived ideas of a scripture and are not learning this with her. When I start, I'm going to start at Acts since this is most relevant to us as Christians today. Then after we make it through Revelation, start and go through Genesis - John. Acts to John is only 200 pages so that should be an easy study to get through in a couple of months. In the course of doing this, you can easily touch on Martini's and others suggestions throughout JWN as you reach those scriptures.


    I just said that my conscience prevented me from teaching my family something that did not meet the criteria for "truth" presented at the last DC.

    The CO at the " God's Word is Truth " DC, defined truth.

    The truth = Truthful understanding of God's Word.


    1) Does not change. Real truth remains truth.

    2) In the " world " truth changes. Man's predictions are often wrong.

    3) The prophets never stated probabilities or assumptions.

    4) The truth cannot contradict other " truth." Only one can be right.

    5) Truth is verifiable facts

    I also told my wife that I was already an apostate according to the WTBTS. I read the 1980's BOE letter to that effect. I told her that you cannot believe anything that is different from current "truth." Then I read from the Walsh Trial about anyone who won't believe "false" teachings being deserving of death. I also offered to study the Bible. She was not interested. It caused some issues, but she is still with me and still loves me. She leaves me alone when it comes to Family Worship stuff. I told her that I would not purposely stir up trouble, but I will not lie to her or our child either. We will see what happens.

    I am not sure that we can do anything for anyone, until they are ready. Probably not too helpful...


  • Elijehovah

    Family worship is about teaching your family. You dont draw lines between whether the kids learning math is a bible thing or not. In the days of ancient gods they regarded math and writing as gifts from God, and they were selective as the Catholic Church was not letting the little guy learn it. The temples of old did this too, it is commercialism, dont share unless you get paid. So if you wish to not be part of church nor state by living this way of do nothing except for money, you instead tend to your family by sharing everything free to lift your family above the people outside your home. In ancient days though they kept it all to the family (because outside uses it against you to burn you), and the family would become a city where someone then is on top and just as corrupt by keeping secrets.

    What you need to do is analyze why Moses says there was no patriarchal days until Peleg, and that a man and wife taught their son and daughter to grow up and leave to become on their own a man and wife. No off to wife's parents or off to husband's parents to be owned by their parental religious expectations. This means help your son and daughter find their mates, (mates that dont make out of parental holidays) and help them build their house to start the same for their own kids. NOW that is Genesis. Moving on, All that was destroyed will return. Jesus didnt go to heaven to lead YOUR way there, but because that was his home. Coming back home exists even in Mayan religion of flesh back to life on earth. In fact the original india reincarnation is not cycles of punishment before you get to go to heaven, it was the belief the future will be owned by the innocent who have died. So family study includes the intent to make valuable to your family the values of morality not material things. Share what is material, don’t seek it in greed, and seek the better for and with all you meet and know each day. YOU will find all these things in the Bible. The crap in the Bible is to show you what resulted to those people. Stories of real families who faced crap are better then Hollywood false drama whose intent isn’t to tell you they know someone got sick and died from a 3-way marriage but rather to entice you on some plot about having one. Look for how and why in anything and you will see that computers and games and all things new on the market to sell are written into a story so that you go buy it. They get paid as actors to produce a story with those things in it. And those who are selfish are all about corrupt behavior. I proudly do not celebrate Halloween nor Christmas. BUT it is not because I believe evangelical born-again church raptures who say it is pagan. To me it is like a mother who calls daughter whore (the mother catholic church snubbing its free-daughter churches of America, while the daughter churches point at mom Catholicism as whoring with pagan gods of holidays). Well guess what. Halloween is the new year of Noah’s 360-day(year 944) when Peleg died because he was 700 years younger than Noah. It wishes dead back to life, not walking corpses. (600+340 = 600+344) And guess what, Christmas is Noah’s death 2021bc Dec 25 because those who kept saying he would never die were wrong, son instead they said he didn’t die, he went to heaven. They had a 40-day séance at Babel talking to a spirit. So truth sets you free. Study it. Pick up books together and say to your family We are going to read, and decide what is truth and what is not. The Bible says ALL men are liars BUT Jehovah will be found true. Jehovah means the effect is proven by the cause. Que Sera Que Sera. Don’t ever let anyone tell you, and they will tell you, but what will be is changeable. It is not bound tight without give. The right wings and you fly, the wrong wings you die. The right water you drink and live, the wrong you die. What will be, will always be provable. Go for it, go for it together. Sit your family down with MY words, and decide what is true I said, and what is not.

  • DS211

    Eli appreciate the was kinda jumbled together bu the idea is raising chikdren and teaching then to be objective, prove true whats true and keep seeking truth. If its true it will measure up to examination....even scripture says it. Thats the plan

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