I think in this Bethel engineered diffusion, that there is nothing else to believe in for most people as a hub of unity, or motivation of a mass indictment against Bethel forming on that hub. All people can agree on is the JW org has fully devolved now. For example, how far back that devolution began then starts another division. So there is no framework that ties this JW devolution to anything as it's real cause as then the GB are just generalized corruption in humans, or Adamic, or however anyone wanted to see it.
Few would think this indicates a final judgment cycle and a UN evolution in about a decade to an actual international scale world government. Thus that renewed focus of the JW primary original tracking of UN development also cannot crystallize - it too is stalled. It is apparent JWs are mum on UN 3rd manifestation of 1990 as Bethel instead became a UN NGO co-promoter of that governmental statement of global order - the "new world order" term that spikes in JW publications between 1991-2001.
So between the lines, Bethel has become a UN annex that also diverts any Biblical awareness that a 3rd UN placement leads to a final UN placement some years from now. To JWs in general, all time stopped at UN 2nd placement of 1945 - nothing else matters. And if JWs and others lost track of that trajectory to where it leads as the primary focus of the tracking of the rival 8th Kingdom of mankind (UN full world government) since the 1920's to 1990 lost, slowly deprogrammed to inconsequential by the Bethel hypnotists, then no other pressing JW truth of the past matters either any longer in JW reality. It is all now an afterimage illusion.
So even JWs are now lulled into a coma and can't even keep track of their own former trajectory by a far larger momentum of that 1930-1960 peak of spiritual concern in tracking, what were then, modern UN events and Messianic Kingdom events, that both manifested concurrently at approximately the same time of 1919 League of Nations rival proclamation first, as JWs later started to congeal a Kingdom of God proclamation meaning as the impetus of their 1914 ministry continuation.
At one time a United Nations development was big news to JWs, not any more.
Even if it was all make believe, JWs did directly affront the then formative "new world order" with a diametric statement of world rulership destiny from 1920s to 1950s. Today's JWs instead are UN NGO and hush hush the whole UN continued evolution that like post WW1, WW2 and cold war, also will, as per formula, require a trying final world cycle of globalization finalities to eventually present an actual world government, say a decade from now.
Strangely, JWs self fulfilling prophecy instead ends their own ministry "any day now", rather than the obvious realization a final globalization cycle is needed to complete the "8th King" world government far beyond in scale and function, but including, the UN. So as David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger and others in the developmental thinktanks of world government now proclaim a final cycle, JWs instead preach a premature end, which can only be realized on Bethel now, not the world system as a whole.
Or else God and Christ would show up to find no contender ready for battle for earth's sovereign supremacy, according to JWs own rules of engagement. So weirdly, JWs have taken an exit way way off "the road to life" and abandoned their former destination and meaning, as well as modern awareness of globalization, and are themselves lacking any true hub of unity in that diversion now complete.
Of course others falling off that JW turnip truck weaving around the backstreets of LA, now miles off track and lost, are turnips with also no direction, just rolling to a stop, seeing the JW truck heading off to self prophesied early disaster. And in that disunity and natural chaos of mind, there is nothing else to gravitate towards but an awareness of the JW condition, and the only solution is to be as one was before ever finding JWs. It's a strange let down, hopefully people can stay in tune with the Bible that already does outline all four renditions of UN evolution to final form, and that must continue in development to were it must lead.
JWs, as a whole in general, have of course not progressed in UN understanding since 2nd placement UN 1945. To JWs, the 1990 UN "new world order" statements as another way of saying world governmental order, are totally insignificant, and harmless. One can even join the UN proclamations henceforth as UN NGO, and jump ship from the Messianic Kingdom former proclamation and cause, and everything is just fine.
It is just a matter of time and JWs will also be as scattered when the Bethel turnip truck rolls on the UN sidestreets. It cannot simply remain a static affair either for Bethel or the UN final cycle inevitable activation soon. True it goes on a decade, but JWs will be scattered turnips at the start of that cycle. Really the turnips, as us leaving JWs, is just due to Bethel losing any magnetism of actual truth, decharged by hypocrisy and lawless alliances, and it would take another Taze Russell type personality and resources to even form a new nucleus by human means (meaning only God himself could save JWs now), and another period of human existence, because many other institutions will also be in deconstruction in this coming next 5 years of the initial financial globalization process. (From when it starts).