by QUEENIE 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    WW you are a gracious person. As for what you said, I know.



    ah did some one hsve to block me--i DO NOT answer anyone unless they E-mail me then I answer and being CELEBATE is not an issue it is a choice honey I agree SWEET naw I do not want to be by choice / old naw unless 55 YRS is old and to some it probably is i also have the habit of being right on target and hitting the nail on the head AN ouch and WOW I am glad 4 that I am truthful to a fault and proud for that and proud that I am queenie AKA Linda lou Kersey --- do not judge me otherwise you have judged yourself in the process we all have issues in life --- you worry about yours and I will worry about mine if I so choose and guess what I do not choose too at the moment sooo take a long walk off a short pier please -- i am being to sweet AND I do not want a be sweet !!!!

  • funkyderek

    What goes 10....9....8....7....6....?

    Bo Derek getting older

    Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. - Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts


    we all R getting older -- still waiting for the new order --- I still got a few choppers (teeth) I am not sweet and very very sarcastic (yep---judge not least we be judged likewise is true--I only worry about LINDA and that Jesus died for my sins Too --SHIT no body is perfect not even WONDERWOMAN and OF course I am a BAAAAADDDD GIRL soooooo bad I an goood !!!! I AM AN EVIL APOSTATE so what of it-- I am BO Didley NOT DERICK _____ hahahaha

  • wonderwoman77

    Hey Queenie. I never claimed to be perfect, but at least I do not harass people through email. No one gives a crap if you are an apostate, so are most people here, why do you think that is so cool? Seriously, stop the attention seeking and seek help!

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