Hi All,
I'm not saying this is written in stone. That same article also points out that mutiple children (can't put it into words) but that is one aspect as well.What I'm saying is not that a parent makes a child gay, it's how the child has certain traits & how those traits are nutured. If you are a man with certain hormones, less body hair, maybe some effeminate traits, etc. How does a father nurture's the son...How does he react to the fact his son, doesn't like to play ball or other males things, does he shun them or what..it's about how a parent recognizes the trait & what they do about it...does the father push the son away because he is not a jock, does his ego get in the way. Same for a female child what type of traits is she showing...is she a girlie girl or likes her brothers truck ? How does the mother react & nurture if the female child is not what she expected...does she push the child to the father or the brothers if they have any. Some females have maybe more male hormones than female...do the parents recognize this ? I am a female, to be blunt I'm hairy, could be that I have more male hormones. Again, not saying it's all the parents fault, how we are born is a crap shoot...how we are nurtured & socialized is another.
I have gay friends & I have asked them how, what & where, they say, it's just something that they feel that they are different...do parents recognize that difference or just think, Ah, they'll grow out of it. As parents, we need to pay close attention to our children & be more than just providers for them, but to get to know them & find out what makes them tick..many times things can be prevented. We socialize our children differently. We raise our girls to be the nurturers, boys, just to be boys...when parents may leave the sister in charge if they go out or away, they tell the sister, make sure your brother(s) eat...so what about her...again, it's how we socialize our kids. I'm not saying it's not in the DNA or hormonal...Could it be an imperfection or an inbalance, who knows. I think there are many variables that make up a person. Same could be said for a person who is a thief, were they born that way, when they were a baby did they steal bottles from the other babies, NO...a baby born with an inbalance, do they go play with the other babies that are only their sex...NO..again, it's nuturing & socialization. It's all too difficult, I was just pointing out a theory...again, not written stone, but to make one think, cuz sometimes...IT IS US...