at the congregation bible study this week, we as jehovahs witnesses studied a brochure on how we study the bible at the congregation bible study. no wonder half of us are screwed up.
what we studied at the the congregation "bible" study this week.
by nowwhat? 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
lol. All of the literature is stupid, the current TMS and service meeting format is rushed and feels like little thought goes into it.
My favorite part was the question "When would you like to next attend a meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses?"
Is "never" an option?
I don't know how you all do it. Once you are out mentally then it's all so silly.
It would be like going a few times a week to meet with people In the Matrix and pretending like the fake lives they live matter.
"When would you like to next attend a meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses?"
When reading this this week, the following question should be: Aren't we already here??
Aw man, you cannot make this shit up.
Over the years I used to always tell my wife how I hated "Meetings about meetings". They happen a lot more often than people realize.
Thanks for the update on the Congregation Bookstudy Bible Study.
Unfortunately, I had necessary things that conflicted and was unable to attend.
It's called looking in the mirror to check that you are looking in the mirror just so you're prepared to respond should anyone ever accuse you of not looking in the mirror. If you can follow that, you deserve to go to your next meeting, like, right now. Get thee to a meeting - mirrors provided.
Recursion leads to paradox