Lots of great comments. I like the last one when RuderedHead says 'Play the GAME to get your objective'.
1. Your objective is to _____ and _____.
2. This will be achieved by ________ and _______.
Watch Tower's aim is to con innocent humans to further their cause of empire building and amassing great wealth. lol
WT achieves this by lies, threats and with the unprovable employee benefit package (lol) of the 'prospect' of everlasting life on a paradise earth.
Jesus had a career first, then he became a minister at the age of 30 and only preached for 3 1/2 years. lol
You have told us you need to keep things calm and quiet on the home front. Do-able .
There are some great suggestions above.
Service time. My ex was an Elder for 40 years. He pulled hours, placements, RV's and yes, Bible studies out of the thin air. (I am lol as I write this because it was funny - weird - odd, watching him do this every month, whether he called it in, or he himself was the Secretary lol ). PLUS when he was in service , he and everyone else, had the longest coffee breaks. lol
So... Do what many others do. Pull those suckers out of the air! lol
Oh. My 2cents worth about telling people you are in school. Don't tell. Nobody's business. How would it work if you said you started a new job, and you don't know how things will go, so you would rather not talk about it and change the subject. Your JOB right now is to attend school and get the best grades you possibly can. Right?
All the best.