What ever happened too.....

by problemaddict 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • problemaddict

    ...the real JW apologists? Not the ones that pop on here and have a go with the athiests, but the ones that defended their posision at least with some form of scholarly notion and education. You know...

    Greg Stafford (last seen being clearly an apostate....but not getting disfellowshipped for starting another religion.....odd) Site abandon for months.

    Jehovah.to - The haven for the learned with such heavies as Hal Flemmings, Solomon Landers, and Heinz Schmidt. Site is a shell and clearly abandon.

    Touchstone forum - an open site and collection of brothers from an Elder in the UK loyal to the GB who would have normal debate over theological issues with anyone not an "apostate". Site is gone.

    JW united web ring - All of the pro JW (anti-trinitarian) sites by the loyal.

    Jehovahshudgement.uk - I believe "3rd witness" ran this site to expose a lunatic saying he was the slave or something to that effect?

    scriptural truths.com - Run by David Barron who seemed to be a JW apologist but also to follow things he disagreed with the slave on. Pretty active site at one time with a chat room. Now abandon since 2011.

    Even beliefnet had some apologists.

    Curious......where did everyone go!? All there is now is JWtalk and not a scholar among them let me assure you. I don't know of any PRO thinking JW sites. Do you guys?

  • pronomono

    They probably received a letter from the WTBTS legal department telling them to cease and desist their operations unless they want to be prosecuted. That's what happened to one site that was hosting the Daily Text, also ran by an active JW.

  • minimus

    WOW! You knew all those apologists sites.

  • LostGeneration

    I think they all participate in the big circle jerk known as JWtalk

  • problemaddict


    LG, I can assure you none of them are on JW talk. The intelligence accumen of that group is not very noteworthy. These guys were in many cases the real deal. Best shot the WT had at any kind of apologetics.

    Anyone know? I know some of you were there. :)

  • problemaddict
  • LostGeneration

    Yeah, I know. You have to wonder if the WT tracked all these down and basically said "Shutup or you are out". I wouldn't put it past them, I think Stafford DA'd though, but I haven't seen anything new from him.

  • problemaddict

    Thanks LG. Yeah very odd. Really nobody here knows? Did i need to give this a more snazzy title?

  • anonymouz

    Nope, even jw.borg is now the main apostate site...(Dan11:32a = 2Thess2:3)

    The Titanic is tilting.... Hit the GB iceberg in 1976....

  • problemaddict

    I figured I would try launching this at least once more. None of you guys went to these sites, talked to these people, or knew what was up with them? Honestly I am pretty shocked.

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