I'm going to this church and taking a course called "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore!!! It's amazing!! God is extremely good!!! I just had to post because I know after past post I felt more hurt and felt maybe others had the same hurt or similar....kinda hopeless... but oh my what an awaking I found in Beth Moore's research and encouragement in Christ. The Healer can be glorified!!! :) Don't give up hope on God!!
Found Healing FINALLY from childhood abuse
by Butterflyleia85 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Happy that your happy!
A good secularist Therapist has had the same profound effect upon me, and brought me back from the depths of suicidal despair, bless her.
God was superfluous.
I don't want to rain on your parade. The feeling of healing and recovery is wonderful. This is me the skeptic talking. My first reaction was to google this woman and see if there are any critical links. There is one.
Feel free to brush this by if your course is working for you.
Yeah totally did the same research on her for sure. And was very skeptical. She is very very passionate to say it nicely. But when you get into her third week and learn about what she's been through a bit herself you can see way she's a bet passionate. She also admits her imperfection and past mistakes... and burdens where she has to keep asking God's help. She has her imperfection just like everyone else but the difference is she doesn't shy away from it.
She doesn't carry any doctrinal weight. I would only listen to her as a way to motivate you as a abused women that felt victimized. She brings up the inter leadership in you... and realise on God.
A great concept, not from this woman, is the idea of boundaries. We often step away from helping people for fear that they will suck the very juices from our marrow. But if we establish boundaries right up front, it is comfortable for both sides. Both the giver and the receiver knows what to expect.
For instance, I had a boundaries talk with my son and he is not to call me more than once a day (so he calls every day, LOL). He is very respectful of my time and asks first if he is asking too much. Sometimes it is too much and I say so. For instance, I am NOT going to re-organize his papers for him. That's too much like work.
There are many stepping stones to healing, Butterflyleia85.
I'm delighted to hear you are enjoying renewal and healing.
Greetings and blessings
I am happy you have found healing. Everyone is different, what works for one person may not work for all. As long as you are not exchanging one type of abuse for another, I am OK with it. After I left the JWs, I was afraid of going to another religion, I didn't want to be fooled again. Since then I have attended a few, but I decided I am happy as I am for now. I have found healing through meditation and journaling.
I am curious, what about her teachings has helped you the most?
LisaRose, according to the one talk I heard of this lady, it's all about having Confidence.