WAWUM said-
I prefer to say that I believe evolution to be a more reasonable hypothesis than creation, but the truth is I can't say with certainty that it is factual scientific theory. If you choose to take a stance on one side or the other that's your choice. Mine is to say I can't say with certainty, nor can anyone else, and I'm okay with it.
Keep believing in the existence in absolute certainty at your own peril and risk. Absolute certainty just doesn't exist expect in the minds of fools, and the meme results from a narrative created and perpetuated by the religious who sell faith as a virtue (and the stronger the faith, the better, per them).
Free yourself from such mental handicapping, demanding to examine evidence and proof; the onus is on you to do the actual work, and most people are just too lazy to do it (and it IS a daunting task, esp if you're doing it solely for the sake of self-education, without a career payoff at the end).
Cofty said-
If you reject the genetic evidence for common ancestry please decline jury service. The techniques are exactly the same as the ones used to convict murderers and rapists.
If only it were as simple a matter of getting out of jury duty by saying, "your honor, I'm too ignorant to understand the science, but not ignorant enough to be able recognize my own ingorance of science".
Here in the States, we make people sit on juries, whether they are able to think logically or not.