Splash: You're right! I forgot about that one... every righteous move, must be recorded on a card and reported to men for their approval and recognition. This is PROOF that JW's are doing the work - just read the yearbook! They can prove they are the chosen by Christ, by the very magnitude of their efforts.
I didn't even mention that it was this very question about 1975, that made our bible study conductor give up on us as bible students. We did not have to push nearly as hard to get him to agree to get an article we requested, that predicted 1975 and the end of the Armageddon. He was 77 years old, born-in JW, and obviously had fielded this question before. He agreed quickly, to come back with the requested article.
Here is the punchline...
He came back the following Wednesday, with a typewritten, transcribed copy of the article. It was so clearly a fake, we didn't even bother to read it. That night, he exposed himself for what he truly was... a co-conspirator in the spreading of lies. He was an active elder in 1975, and he knows full well what happened back then. He denied it had ever been predicted. We then confirmed that they are liars, from the top of the org, to the top of the congregations.
I tend to believe that many below the level of elder, don't actually know much truth about the organization they serve. And yes they do, they serve an organization. They do not serve Jehovah God or Jesus Christ.
1975 and their other false prophecies, are ambitious topics to tackle.
Why put so much energy into past teachings, when their current ones are so malicious and obviously contradictory to the teachings of Christ?
How about something current, like their field service reports, worshipping a body of men, the validity of the the organization's appointment at all, and of course the current issue of the Watchtower, warning them to obey inhumane instructions that are soon coming in 2014. As an elder, he may already know what these instructions will be. Does he have a limit? He should draw a line in the sand (the sand his religious beliefs are built upon), so he knows where he will stop...
Will he sell it all and go live in a hole underground? Will he buy weapons and arm himself for the war against Satan's army? Will he drink poison and die for the organization, certain Jehovah will deliver him? What is he willing to force people to do, in the name of supporting the org and its instructions?